Tell us about your profile picture


Oct 19, 2013
Hoosier Hills
I see a lot of interesting profile pictures while reading this forum.
What's the story behind yours?

A few years ago on opening morning of Indiana deer season, I had a decent buck walk into my stand right at first light. It was just light enough for me to see the buck through my muzzleloader scope and at about 60 yards, I took the shot. After the smoke cleared I watched the buck bounce away a few yards, drop his tail and casually walk back the direction he had come from. I got down from my stand to check for blood. After several minutes of searching and not finding any, I started to sneak back to my stand and noticed this small tree with a perfect hole blasted right through the middle of it. In the low light I had unknowingly lined up that tree in my crosshairs and the bullet had deflected. That had to be the luckiest deer in the woods to be saved by 3 inches of Beech wood!

Chucker hunting on a very cold day. My pup is typically either a blur or asleep so it's one of the few good pictures I've got of her.

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Mine is the biggest deer I've taken. I'll never forget that morning. Second day of WI gun deer at about 0830 he went trotting by the stand about 70 yards out, one shot from the .270, he ran about 50 yards, laid down next to a tree, got up, fell and rolled down the hill.

Dad and I loaded him on the ATV. He weighed so much that the ATV ended up rolling end-over-end 20 yards down hill...I've never been so scared. I bailed quickly on that! Everyone and thing survived just fine.

That was also the last time we were able to hunt the property we'd been at for 20 years.
Mine is the reason for continuing to expand my hunting knowledge for the future. 2 of my 3 boys heading out to the duck blind in the truck. Last year at 3 and 5 years old. I'll have to update in a couple years when the baby is 2 and old enough to come out with me.
My 2010 DCUA (Delta Controlled Use Area), sheep hunt. After about 15 or so years of putting in for that tag I finally got drawn. I've been putting in for the TMA (Tok Management Area), now for over 20 years and have yet to get drawn.


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Mine is the college I'm attending's logo because I'm not a good hunter

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Mine was from 3 or 4 years ago. Taken from a ridge top in southeast Wy during a September archery hunt. It still amazes me when I crawl out of my tent in the morning to views like that one.

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One of my favorite hunts....16 days, limited draw tag DIY in the Utah Book Cliffs roadless area. Beautiful country and we never ran into another hunter once off the trail. We called in 6 point after 6 point- multiple good bulls a day looking for a true monster….finally on the second to last day of the season we called this bad boy…..and he came in like he owned the place.

The local guide in Green River [also the garbage man!] spends all summer in there, stopped me and claimed that was the biggest bull he had seen in the unit
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Mine was taken back in November 2012 in the Mount Hood National forest. It was the opening week of our late deer Archery season, but also still fall bear. In fact I had crossed a fresh set of bear tracks in the snow that morning, and followed his trail to within 80 before getting busted and watching the bear sprint off in the opposite direction.

I had spent a lot of time in this are that summer/fall looking for bear, and had camped several times near the lake in the picture. We had a odd trend of weather over the previous few weeks that started with some early snow, then heavy rain, then a sudden drop in the temperature to flash freeze most of the standing water. The area where I'm standing gets a little swampy at times, but more of a dry lake bed in the summer. Sill one of my favorite pictures, and favorite places to hunt.

It can be found on a T-shirt here:

It is also used on the BHA recruitment page and many of their event flyers.
Membership Signup - Backcountry Hunters & Anglers

Mine was taken outside the local DMV when I was teaching my 15 yr old how to parallel park. Proud to say he got it on the first try...and in a pick up no less!
Mine is the Joker with a Santa hat on. Don't know why or how it came about but I have used it on all my profile pictures for years.