Teepee advise

Nov 28, 2017
I just bought a kifaru medium oval from a member here,i have a like new golite sl5 i bought a few years ago and used for one week,and the nest has nevet been used,i thought about sewing a stove jack in it and using it for me and my son,sometimes maybe 3 people total or sale it and save up for a kifaru sawtooth?Or if they dint bring much just keep it as it is a nice tent.We live in Oklahoma and just enjoy winter camping,hunting and kayaking,maybe a few colorado trips in the future.Just looking for advise.
If you’ve already got the sl5 I’d put a stove jack in it (roughly $50) and use it til you figure out exactly what you want in a heated shelter solution. Just my $.02
You can buy pre-made stove jacks or you can buy the material from places like ripstopbytheroll.com. When I made my pyramid tent, I ended up making my own jack with material from them.

I had an SL5 until yesterday. I had a stove jack put in by bearpaw wilderness designs. It was $55. Knowing what I know know, I’d suggest putting it in the back of the tipi or you’ll lose a lot of space.
Nothing wrong with having 2 sleep systems if finances can swing it?
Floored tents have some advantages in certain regions.

Small tipis aren't that bad $$, especially a used one.
I am looking into a small floored tent for my Aug archery hunts.
But for the Sept - Nov hunts, I always break out the tipi and stove.
Having options is always nice.

And you will love that cylinder stove !!