Taxidermy supply shortage?


Feb 25, 2020
I have a question and figure someone on here would know. Is there a shortage of taxidermy supplies like most other things? The reason I am asking is we still do not have my daughter's 2019 buck back yet that we dropped off in November of '19. The taxidermist is a reputable guy that we have used in the past with good luck. He's telling me that he still hasn't got the hides back from the tannery because they are short on supplies. Just seems odd that the supplies are that low.
Seems any good taxidermist takes over a year regardless of supplies. If he has been reputable in the past I wouldn't sweat it.
That not back from the" tannery" sounds suspect to me. Unless he didn't send it in right away. He may have waited until he had more capes before sending your daughter's off. Seems strange to me that back in 2019 there were any shortages of supplies.
Love the pic also! I wouldn't sweat it either. The tanneries were for sure slow due to covid last year and that backed up the taxidermy work.
My buddy is a taxidermist

1 or 2 of the tanneries he uses had some issues with Covid, end ended up behind. These were some very large tannneries. I think I remember him saying a lot of his hides were about 3 months behind schedule. Now it is hard for him to get the foam forms from the companies that make those.

These are just a couple things that have come up in conversation when we’re at the bow range i remember him talking about.
I'm waiting on a deer that I dropped off October 2019. My taxidermist showed me a email back in November from his supplier that said most the warehouse staff had Covid.

It's become a joke around my house... My wife is convinced I'll never get the mount.

I think it's an excuse from a lazy taxidermist.
But I'd never let him know that's how I feel. The last thing I said to him was "Hope you and your family have a nice Christmas".
Dropped my elk off last September and my taxidermist said at the time the tannerys were backlogged and it would take a couple extra months because of it.
My brother dropped his buck off to the taxidermist we use late October 2020 and he received it bask February 2021. I guess it all depends on the tannery they use. I hope is comes soon for her. Very nice buck!
Dropped 3 deer off this year....brought 2 in sometime in OCT the 3rd first week of November. Taxi had them back by Jan. from the Tannery. I should start picking up mounts in a couple months then I'll drop my fourth deer off. He is normally right around a year but since I'm buying in bulk he is bumping mine up a bit.

Being a family friend also I have talked to him a bit and spend an hour at least there when I'm there. He had zero issues from the sound of it getting supplies. At least anything that truly effected his timeline.