Tapatalk issues


Dec 11, 2018
Is anyone else having issues with Tapatalk? Every time I open up the app it wants me to pay to be a member, which never came up before. Is this a new thing that you now have to join for a monthly or yearly fee to be able to use it?

I can view threads, but can't respond, PM, or see any pictures. It tells me that I don't have access. I logged out and back into all my apps, deleted and re-installed the app. Not really sure what else to do.
I get this about once a year. I think I had to go to the Rockslide webpage and re-log in to clear it up.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Same issue here for me. I've logged out and in on both Rokslide and Tapatalk. Even reset password. Irritating for sure. Oh well, back to using the green screen.
I deleted Tapatalk. Same issue. Put a shortcut on my Home Screen and that takes me to Rokslide. Plus you see hunting adds and not Tapatalks adds too. Posting is easy and almost the same
I deleted Tapatalk. Same issue. Put a shortcut on my Home Screen and that takes me to Rokslide. Plus you see hunting adds and not Tapatalks adds too. Posting is easy and almost the same
This ^ Tapatalk was chewing up my battery and CPU, not to mention all the glitches. Added a few browser shortcuts for certain forums to my screen and never looked back.
I stopped using Tapatalk. It started freezing and killing my battery after the last update. Somewhere around 6 months ago. I will never pay to access a free web site. They can shove it and I just use my web browser now. I keep one tab open for here, one for archery talk, and one on the 6.5 grendel forum.