Tanget Theta 3-15x50mm Scope Evaluation

So, was it sent in or not? If so, any response from Tangent?

I had a DOA AMG, sent it in, and Vortex told me it was a bad unit that was missed in QC and gave me an itemized list of parts that were replaced. Met a dude at the range a week or so ago that got a DOA NX8. He sent it into Nightforce and they confirmed the objective lens was bad and they missed it in QC.

I haven’t asked, it wasn’t my scope.

Was the NX8 a 2.5-20x? And was the scope not functional or just a bad lens?
B) would love to know where new milspec Nightforces can be purchased under $3,000?
You can get a slight military and law enforcement discount on Nightforce, but sometimes it is nice to just purchase from someplace like @cameralandny, just because if you ever need support, Cameralandny will do everything they can to rectify the issue.

Some other manufactures have provided some significant discounts, but as almost always, being in the loop never hurts.
What’s the difference between a nightforce mil spec and non?

Expert voice is worth signing up for if you qualify.

Euro optic also has a Leo/mil/first responder program that’s worth signing up for.
Milspecs are permanently bonded inside. They can not be taken apart without destroying them. They have a ten year warranty because of it.

This may be a dumb question, but if this is one of the main contributing factors into making it so durable, why don't other manufacturers do this?
@ResearchinStuff asked me to add to this thread what I posted in another thread on my experience with a TT 315H. Haven’t had time to read the whole thread but will try to make some time.

I have seen a few mention a Tangent Theta, haven't posted this anywhere else yet but I mounted a TT315H to a 300PRC I put together for my dad with a prefit barrel. I torqued the ring cap screws to 18in/lb and will admit that the manual states to only torque to 15in/lb. A couple weeks prior to a big hunt the scope went tits up and the parallax quit working which left us scrambling to mount and work out a new scope.

The scope was sent back to Tangent Theta and they did fix the issue and return the scope in a reasonably timely manner. They stated that the reason it probably broke was because I tightened the ring cap screws over the 15in/lb limit. Pretty disappointed because I loved the features of the scope but I have never had an issue with any other scopes tightening the screws to 18in/lb or higher on some. For the money I will never buy or trust one again. Could it be a fluke? Sure, but for me it's a 1 for 1 failure so I'm done.
Well, for hunting the only reason I might would use the ZP5 is due the reticle. No matter how good the scope is I do not need or want a 17 inch long, 35oz scope. This reticle in a 9x, 12x, 15x or similar max magnification scope would be phenomenal. So it is the reticle that makes it attractive to me. Having said that, the scope as a package is pleasurable to use and look through. But, for the cost, I would choose others scopes even for dedicated LR use way before the ZP5… now if you want the THLR reticle, well….
Hi Form, was just reminded of this post ... curious as to other scopes for dedicated LR use you'd choose before the ZP5, and why.

Apologies if you've covered this elsewhere here; mindful that most of our threads are hunting-specific.
Hi Form, was just reminded of this post ... curious as to other scopes for dedicated LR use you'd choose before the ZP5, and why.

Apologies if you've covered this elsewhere here; mindful that most of our threads are hunting-specific.

With more use, the ZP5 with THLR is certainly on the list for LR use. However, NF ATACR 4-16x42mm and 5-25x are the two primary dedicated LR scopes I choose.
What are your thoughts on the 7-35 vs the 5-25 ATACR? Looking to possibly switch out my XTRIII.

The 7-35x while popular, has great glass, etc. isn’t something that fits my needs. I don’t shoot or need 35x mag, therefore the size and weight isn’t a benefit.