Tall guy, looking for first backpacl sleep system

I did a few searches. For most part seems like people like them. Few had some issues. obviously its not Kifaru or Seek outside but its 1/2 to 1/3 price.
Yes I would like cimmaron or sawtooth, but that's not in my budget. I don't plant to use it in snow storms. or even a stove.
maybe one day I could get one but I need a good tent to last me a few years. until I could get something like that.

What is your opinion since your a moderator and you've seen a lot more comments on here?
Luxe is no longer a sponsor after their latest CS,or lack of, fiasco. Buy a Slumberjack they actually have customer service and in the Luxe price range. I still think you should look at the LightHeart Gear SoLong6 for your height if you aren't gonna use a stove.

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Luxe is no longer a sponsor after their latest CS,or lack of, fiasco. Buy a Slumberjack they actually have customer service and in the Luxe price range. I still think you should look at the LightHeart Gear SoLong6 for your height if you aren't gonna use a stove.

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I did looked at it. . It's pushing my budget, I think if I got something like that I might get their duo version, Have little extra width, weight seems pretty negligible for size difference. that I consider more than the solo version. it is high on my list. just stretching my budget. If I had the money id probably get the Cimmaron . but its pretty much out of my price. and with the nest its way out.
What's the difference between sil-nylon and sil -poly on the lightheart?

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OK. i'm down to 3 options:

1. buy a traditional dome type tent. REi has half dome 2p on sale right now for $160, and limelight 2p for $200, halfdome 3p for $195. half dome is larger print, but the marmot has more vertical walls first 8-10" up.
REI flash air is $200 and the lightest by about their weightof these
--cheapest, heaviest. least room. Fine for me. maybe one of my kids. no 2nd adult hunter. all these ar 5-6 lbs

2. Light heart duo. little over $300. lighter and more room. , pretty much max budget, or over it.

3. SO cimarron. Def over budget for basic cimmaron , wife would prob stab me in my sleep. Cant use early seasons here because ticks mosquitos, snakes. Could use during end nov-dec as is. Could upgrade and get nest down the road and use it all as normal 3 season.
Sil-poly doesn't sag as much when it gets wet as sil-nylon does.

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I'm 6'6" and apparently I like my space. I use a 14x16 wall tent as base camp solo most the time. But for packing in I've tried several shelters. I picked up the Cimarron for two with a stove, and IMO it just doesn't have enough room because of all the room you lose with the slope of the walls. I used to have a BA Copper Spur UL2 but didn't like that coffin/cocoon feeling. Now I have the CS UL4 which is great for two, but I can also use it solo with a slight weight penalty.

I also use an EE 0 degree down quilt and an Xtherm pad.
My son and I are both 6 ft 5 in. We use a ba copper spur ul3 as our shared backpacking tent. With its 2 small vestibules it will work for 2 hunting with packs. Not a lot of extra room but comfortable. We have used big agnus insulated air core long pads and just add clothes to a stuff sack for a pillow or foot pad otherwise we have to be perfect front to back or hanging off pad a bit. I have a new one for sale if you havent bought your pad yet.
More i look and more i think about it. I don't think I'm gonna be comfortable in dome tent..
I wabtba cimarron but are there any good floorlessroomy setups less than $200. I think o might go floorless and use it into i can get s cimarron and maybe a nest for it. I dunno

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Slumberjack Outpost 4 is under 200 bucks. Not sure how much weight you can save by ditching the center pole and cutting one on site. Doesn't have a stove jack either so you would have to sew your own in. They're 25% off right now wth free shipping.

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Slumberjack Outpost 4 is under 200 bucks. Not sure how much weight you can save by ditching the center pole and cutting one on site. Doesn't have a stove jack either so you would have to sew your own in. They're 25% off right now wth free shipping.

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Reputable company and good bang for buck?

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SJK aka Slumberjack is a reputable company and you can get the tan version for $104.25 right now. You decide. A quick Google search will tell you everything you need to know.

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I’m 6’10” 245# and have used a Big Agnes bellyache SL extra long with a Qcore insulated SL for 6 years now and it’s still going strong. I’ve slept down to below 15 degrees without a shelter and been comfy. Unfortunately they don’t make that model bag anymore so you might be left to try and find one on eBay or a hiking forum. The pad has been awesome and sometimes I wonder how it hasn’t had a leak after all it’s been through. For a shelter I use the lighthearted gear so long and it’s long enough and I find it quite roomy for changing clothes and organizing gear. It will sag some but I’ve found it manageable.

I will say that being tall comes with very limited choices and unfortunately most of the time guys like us will have to make do with what is available to some degree and make things work instead nitpicking the fine details. My advice to you is stick as close to your budget as possible, make some purchases and try it out. Way more fun to test stuff real world then punch away on the internet wondering if it will work. You will then form your opinions, develop your own system, and be able to focus on works for you. Best of luck!
So I read on the Slumberjack Outpost 4 Tipi. While its not exactly what I wanted. For the money I don't think I'm going to find anything comparable. So I ordered it this morning.
I just probably wont use it in the warmer hunts. Maybe in a few more seasons if the world doesn't go full madmax I can get a Cimarron with a nest. For now this will do.
I think I got a few air pads picked out and I will prob just go with whichever I can find best deal on.
Now I just need to find a good sleeping bag I can fit in.
Thanks for all the help on the shelter fellas. I'll let you know how I Iike it or not.
Kifaru body bag.
Kifaru is lighter, prob more durable. But is it warmer?

I'm not really interested in down. Maybe one day but now i think I'd feel. More comfortable with synthetic

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What's any new opinions on the EE Convert vs kifsru body bag?

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I will say that being tall comes with very limited choices and unfortunately most of the time guys like us will have to make do with what is available to some degree and make things work instead nitpicking the fine details. My advice to you is stick as close to your budget as possible, make some purchases and try it out. Way more fun to test stuff real world then punch away on the internet wondering if it will work. You will then form your opinions, develop your own system, and be able to focus on works for you. Best of luck!

Very limited choices and likely having to pay dearly for those items that actually fit properly.
well. I received my Slumberjack out post 4. I've not had the time to pitch it in the yard. I just kinda opened it up and looked at material and stiches line locks and etc. i'm new to this but to me I didn't seen any defects.
I think i'll keep it. Now i'm kinda of wondering about …. would a SO Cimarron half nest work in it???🤔
Yes, the half nest would work but you better order now if you want one in time for season. They are 6 weeks or so out on nests from Seek Outside. Bearpaw Wilderness Designs may be a quicker shipping option for a nest.

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Yes, the half nest would work but you better order now if you want one in time for season. They are 6 weeks or so out on nests from Seek Outside. Bearpaw Wilderness Designs may be a quicker shipping option for a nest.

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The cimmeron nest ne a better fit for this outpost 4?
I think it's bigger than the cimmeron so it would be better fit than the lbo half nest. Do you agree?

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I'm just 6'2" and was upgrading a several years ago. Went to several PB stores & got in tents,bags,etc & waited for sales.
Kelty Gunnison was larger than BA & I have not been let down. Personally I would never buy a tent without a floor or rain fly.
Got killer deals on Marmot bag & a Kelty. -20 to +40 covered. Large mummies today are way more roomy. I have 4 bags now for everything.
Therma-rest pad
Less than $300 for all. Deals
Been high in Sierra's & all over NM with them now. 2 feet of wet Sierra snow to gully washing Gila Monsoons.
I would highly recommend you check out enlightened equipment. I have two of his custom built quilts (he adds length for me) and I love them. I have used them a great deal this year and have found them to be of the highest quality. I am not sure where in ca you camp but I have found I am able to use his 40 degree most nights as long as I pack my down jacket. I have had it drop into the thirtys twice on me and didn't freeze. Of course the 20 degree I have is great to and only a few ounces more and honestly probably the better choice for one year round quilt.