Talk me out of it. New rifle decision.

If you want something, get it. Life is too short. If it ends up not living up to the expectations. Sell it or keep it and mod it to fit. Good luck with your new rifle!
Roger that guys. Get the rifle exactly the way I want it. I’ll be patient and go with the 300PRC. Hope to see them in stock sometime soon! I’m tempted to get the Element since that’s all I can find!
You don't say what you will do with it. What can it realistically do that your 300 Win Mags can't do?

While you are dreaming ... how about a Havoc Slam in 7 PRC instead?
Seekins are fantastic. Tikka fantastic. Run the seekins since you like it. Awesome company doing good things.

The cartridges are pretty well twins in capability. Since going factory, go with the prc as it has a design to utilize big long bullets. Saami spec wm leaves you wanting with the big heavies due to oal and taking up case space with the bullet. Being a reloader you understand what I am talking about.

Nice to have options!
Man I always tell people this but go with what you want. Yes it’s smart to be economical, but I promise that you will have a better time getting what you want.

My dream rifle is a .270 Super Grade Model 70. It’s wood, heavy, and has blued steel; traits that many on Rokslide would tell you aren’t efficient. BUT it’s what I want. Sounds like you want a 300 PRC and brother, go for that!! Life is too short to pass up on these things!
Buddy, that would be an awesome rifle. For a long time I turned my nose up at any hunting rifle that didn’t have a wood stock and had the fancy modern design. Wood tells a story.
10 years from now, the 300PRC will be what the 300WSM is now. Dead. The 300WSM didn't unseat the 300WM. Matter of fact, the 300PRC and 6.5PRC are already taking a back seat to the 7PRC. Remember when the 6.5CR was the rave? Meanwhile, the 300WM will continue to be a top 10 cartridge just as it has been for like 70 years....for good works.
10 years from now, the 300PRC will be what the 300WSM is now. Dead. The 300WSM didn't unseat the 300WM.
Fwiw, the 300 WSM isn't dead. It's chambered in lots of rifles and ammo is very available. I'm not sure what you call unseat. There are some rifles that come in 300 WSM that aren't available in 300 WM. I expect that will be the case with 300 PRC.
10 years from now, the 300PRC will be what the 300WSM is now. Dead. The 300WSM didn't unseat the 300WM. Matter of fact, the 300PRC and 6.5PRC are already taking a back seat to the 7PRC. Remember when the 6.5CR was the rave? Meanwhile, the 300WM will continue to be a top 10 cartridge just as it has been for like 70 years....for good works.

Yeah no. The 6.5 PRC is doing very well, and the 300 PRC has been adopted by a part of the US mil. It will in all likelihood be a mainstay.
You don't say what you will do with it. What can it realistically do that your 300 Win Mags can't do?

While you are dreaming ... how about a Havoc Slam in 7 PRC instead?
Push the long heavies without infringing on case capacity or OAL.
Regarding the Seekins PH2, I think it's a phenomenal rifle for the price point. I had one for a short period and really enjoyed it. It was a very accurate and nice shooting rifle with a good trigger, but ultimately I ended up trading it towards my dream rifle (a Proof MTR in 7 PRC).
So I agree with the 7 PRC recommendation… Having shot both, the jump in recoil is very noticeable and unless you're shooting a mile, I don't think there's really much benefit. It's definitely easier to more accurately shoot the 7 PRC than it is the 300 PRC.
BUT… It is your decision and if that's what you want, that's what you want! Go get it man.