Switching to a thumb button release.


Oct 27, 2017
I went from a caliper style wrist strap to a thumb button wise choice. I am a right handed shooter. Had to move my sights to the left. Is that normal ?
Not sure if it's normal, but clearly either your form or the way you are looking through the sight has changed. I'd take a few shots through paper with both and I'd bet you'd see a nock right tear with the hinge, or nock left with the caliper. If so I would then think about the position of my drawing elbow and pulling angle for each release. I'd guess that either the caliper release was long causing your elbow to rotate behind your head (left tear) OR your elbow is not rotating enough to be inline with your shot using the thumb button, perhaps by not relaxing your hand enough or too short of a D-loop (right tear).

Or I could be completely FOS, which is equally likely.
Doesn't always change it, but certainly can. Play around with anchoring differently, light face pressure on the string vs. heavier, and I bet you see differences in point of impact.

With a handheld release, you also want a slightly longer D-Loop (e.g. 3/4" vs 1/2") because you're twisting the loop. With a loop too short you could be pinching your nock some.
I found my hand release set the nock farther from my face, which created left hits compared to my caliper. With my caliper, I moved my hand away from my face a little bit to mimic the position of the hand release and was able to get the same POI for both. Moving my hand out with my caliper also made it possible to get BS bullet holes through paper with both release. One other thing to be sure of is your anchor is not changing, I use a small brass kisser to make sure I am not changing my anchor when I change releases.
Its very common to have different impacts. I hunt with a tru ball max 4 pro and it's different from my fulcrum tru ball hinge. However my Abyss and Fulkrum is the same impact. It doesn't take much to make a difference.