SWFA reticles


They look right the opposite to my eyes on the 6x version. The moa looks noticeably thicker than the mil version on the 6x. I was wondering if the 10x moa version was thicker than the mil version like the 6x.

I was hoping that the mil version was thicker than the moa version, but doesn’t seem to be. Dang it.
No, not on the 6X. They look the same. Technically the thick lines of the MIL come in a little closer, but without looking closely side by side you'd never notice the difference.

here you go. The image looks much better than what phone captures, but you get the idea. In fact, these 6Xs I just received seem to have better quality glass than the one I had years ago. Not certain, but quite pleased with these.ED804592-113A-4F1D-AD0C-6FDE18C90ABC.jpeg3CC362B7-F848-4F60-AA73-32AAF328C2F8.jpeg
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No, not on the 6X. They look the same. Technically the thick lines of the MIL come in a little closer, but without looking closely side by side you'd never notice the difference.

When I first looked through the 6x mil version, the thinner reticle jumped out at me. I thought I had read that the mil was thicker than the moa version, but my moa is noticeably thicker than the mil version. If the 10x power is the same way, I’ll probably be swapping them for moa versions. The thinner reticles aren’t great for me as a hunting scope.

Thanks for the info.
The 6x mil was thinner than which scope with MOA?

The difference in the thick bars on the 6X is 4 MOA vs. 1.2 MIL. 4 MOA converts to 1.16356 MIL so technically the mil is thicker (.036 mil thicker). I can’t see that difference.
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I have the 10x MOA version on a 22. The thin lines on it are really thin - much thinner than the lines in my 3-9 which I think are just a hair thinner than the lines in the 6x MOA.

If I am doing my math right and reading SWFA’s charts correctly, the thin lines on the 3-9 and 6x mil quad are about .25” compared to .15” on the 10x MOA and .3” on the 6x MOA.
The 6x mil was thinner than which scope with MOA?

The difference in the thick bars on the 6X is 4 MOA vs. 1.2 MIL. 4 MOA converts to 1.16356 MIL so technically the mil is thicker (.036 mil thicker). I can’t see that difference.

The 6x mil looked thinner than the 6x moa version. I only have the 10x mil version. I was wondering if the 10x moa was thicker than the 10x mil version like the 6x is. 🤷‍♂️
When it comes to the thin lines, is the MOA reticle not thicker based on the subtensions set out above by about 20%? .07 mils vs .3 moa?
Correct. For the 6x Milquad .07 mil = .24 MOA vs .3 for the Moaquad.

The 10x is a little different.
Milquad is .05 mil = .17 MOA
Moaquad is .13 MOA