Swfa 3-9 turret alignment


Sep 22, 2012
Tigard, Oregon
Anybody ever have one where the elevation turret somehow became mis-aligned with the zero hash mark? The 3-9 has a splined turret so you can’t just turn to align prior to tightening the turret screw(s) like the classics.

Am I missing some kind of adjustment somewhere? Strange thing was it was perfectly aligned previously, now it’s not.
Anybody ever have one where the elevation turret somehow became mis-aligned with the zero hash mark? The 3-9 has a splined turret so you can’t just turn to align prior to tightening the turret screw(s) like the classics.

Am I missing some kind of adjustment somewhere? Strange thing was it was perfectly aligned previously, now it’s not.

Tried taking it off and resetting it?
Mine is a bit off too, the reason is there are way less splines than clicks to one rotation of the turret
Maybe you get lucky, maybe you don’t
It doesn’t worry me
Do you have a photo?

I have two, both with a lot of use. My older one is a smidge mis-aligned but not enough to cause any issue. I recieved it that way. My newer one is perfectly aligned.


Yes tried taking turret off and re-installing to get the splines lined up.

Just realized that I can grip below the turret and rotate the zero mark to line it up. The fact that I can do that, not sure if that’s a feature I never noticed or something to be concerned about.

Yes tried taking turret off and re-installing to get the splines lined up.

Just realized that I can grip below the turret and rotate the zero mark to line it up. The fact that I can do that, not sure if that’s a feature I never noticed or something to be concerned about.

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View attachment 715632

The index ring came loose. Put a drop of super glue on it and you are good.
Mine is a touch off but I never bothered to try and fix it. Very slight. It sure tracks well though.