I hadn't thought of that Matt, Thanks I will try this out. I feel like they are very close to working I just need that little extra bit.
Hopefully that works for you. My 15's are as close as you can get them to work for me
I hadn't thought of that Matt, Thanks I will try this out. I feel like they are very close to working I just need that little extra bit.
Hopefully that works for you. My 15's are as close as you can get them to work for me
One very simple but frequently overlooked thing when trying to get the barrels close together on the 15's is the thickness of the rubber loops for the objective covers. This reduces the amount the barrels can be hinged closer together, especially if they are spaced the same and touch one another (thickness of 2 loops between the barrels). You might try offsetting the loops to only have 1 loop's width between the barrels and see if that works better. My eyes are narrow enough I had to remove the loops entirely to get the barrels close enough together for proper viewing. My objective covers are now attached to the binocs via paracord - works just fine.