WTB Swarovski BTX and 95/115

I work for BlackOvis here in Utah. We have the BTX and the 115 in stock.
I can get you a good price on that set up and free shipping. Let me know if you are interested.
My .02 cents

Buy each separately because prob find a better deal that way.

And / or try to find each slightly used.

You’ll be happy with BTX tho

Do a google search and sort for “shopping” and it shows about 30 sites that sell them and you can compare prices and reviews on stores selling.

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My .02 cents

Buy each separately because prob find a better deal that way.

And / or try to find each slightly used.

You’ll be happy with BTX tho

Do a google search and sort for “shopping” and it shows about 30 sites that sell them and you can compare prices and reviews on stores selling.

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Awesome thanks for the advice
Hey, sorry I got busy. If you're still interested I'd sell mine for $4400 plus shipping. I've got Stay-On-Cases for both the eyepiece and objective. The little aim aid screw fell out so it's not on the eyepiece but I have it.