Swarovski bino stud help


Jan 25, 2023
Hey all! Picked up a pair of El 10x42s the other day and oh man are they amazing!

Wondering how the hell to install the bino stud though lol. Not that I don't want to pay to get it done but I like to do things myself. Any tips on how to do so? If it's a pretty delicate process I have no problem paying to get it installed. TIA for the help!
I read several threads that stated the Outdoorsman stud and install doesn't void the swaro warranty.
I’m a happy 20 year EL owner myself and for $108 and shipping not sure I would risk my warranty.
I know this doesn't directly answer your question but is a related concern worthy of investigating with a call or email to swaro. Good luck.
The Outdoorsmans (as noted above) is the way to go with a bino stud install on the EL's. My 10's and 12's each made the trip to AZ for this service, which is a good deal at $109. I suppose if you had the proprietary stud the Outdoorsmans installs, you could take a run at it. I'm a guy who likes to do stuff himself too, but this appears to require machining and (likely) jigs and presses that I don't possess. Here's a better question - why doesn't Swarovski upgrade its hinge design with the EL's to make the stud install more like the SLC's and Pure's?
Thanks everyone for the help. I guess it does have to be sent in. That's why I couldn't find DIY videos haha.