Swarovski ATX vs ATS spotter

Any Swarovski scope is awesome. I upgraded to the ATX for the higher quality for digits coping. The BTX and 1.7 extender came after I bought mine. Now with these new attachments and the ability to change objectives and the possibility of new attachments coming in the future makes it a no Brainer to me. Atx all the way. Fatrascal.
I was JUST about to pull the trigger on a new Swarovski ATX with the 85mm objective when the 'miser' in me started wondering whether I should just settle for a 80mm ATS? The price difference for me is about $600. I've never owned either and I'm stepping up from an old Razor. I only briefly looked through the ATX and ATS at a Cabelas and the ATX looked clearer and brighter to me. I really like the ability to break the scope down to pack it. I don't do much backpack hunting and mostly glass from a truck or following a fairly short hike. So weight isn't critical to me but I do plan on some more backpack hunts in the future; and, when I'm guiding, I have a lot of stuff in my daypack so being able to break a scope down would make things easier to pack.

Also, the modularity of the ATX system appeals to me because I could add a different lens or a different style of eyepiece down the road - mix and match for various applications.

Which one would you get? ......and why?

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I currently have the newest model Leica APO 65 Televid. Prior to selling my Swarovski ATS65 HD 25-50WA, we had multiple times to compare both together. The Leica was clearer, better field of view, and by far better eye relief. The ATS HD we could never look through it without getting the half moon issues. You had to have your eye just perfect to see through it comfortably. Not the same problem with the Leica. So I kept that one and sold the Swarovski. Then my hunting buddy bought the ATX 65. OH BOY! Hands down the ATX is on another level. Clarity. Easy focus. Eye relief. Brightness. Did I mention brightness? Now throw in that you can buy an 85 or 95 objective for the ATX. The ATX was already the winner with the 65mm.
My pics:
1. ATX
2.Leica Televid
3. ATS
4.Vortex Razor

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I would call Eagle Optics and see what they can do or order it from across the pond. The conversion price is $65 for the eyepiece only plus shipping which probably will not be too expensive http://www.onestopnature.co.uk/epag...GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/es143788/Products/SZ012

Might be worth emailing Kite Directly to see how you could get just the eyepiece cover. Even if you can't a can cozy would probably work.

Thanks Dotman!

Have owned both the ATX and ATS in 65 and 80/85mm and there is little difference optically..

My .02, Buy the ATS in 65 or 80mm pre-owned and with the 25-50 and don't look back. The newer ATX is a ton of cabbage, especially with the covers. If you have endless funds, a compliant wife, and will use it constantly with the differeny objectives, but the ATX.

Endless funds? I got to that line and almost spit coffee on my phone, LOL! That's funny. That's not me but I'm lucky enough to be the ranch manager and head guide for a large year-round hunting ranch in South Texas. So, I get to write off the cost of equipment I use for work; and I do use my glass A LOT! Also, Swaro offered me a pretty great industry discount to promote their products to our clients. Those things combined make it a sensible investment that I can get back out of without a loss.

Your point is well taken, though. If I just went on a single hunt a year there's NO way I'd be making an investment like this. I still have to buy it piece by piece, lol! Just ordered the eyepiece yesterday. It'll prolly be a month before I can afford the 85mm objective and the cover. If this scope doesn't help me do my job better and (thus) earn me bigger tips, it WILL go down the road and I'll be downgrading to a less expensive scope.

I'll say this for Swarovski- when I ordered the eyepiece I was surprised that they were charging sales tax since they're in Rhode Island and I'm in Texas. On the other hand, they were surprised that I wasn't ordering the lens at the same time. I explained that I still had to save more to afford the lens. Swarovski then further increased my discount to cover the cost of the sales tax so that the price I paid was EXACTLY what I was quoted!! I thought that was VERY cool of them!!

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Thanks Dotman!

Endless funds? I got to that line and almost spit coffee on my phone, LOL! That's funny. That's not me but I'm lucky enough to be the ranch manager and head guide for a large year-round hunting ranch in South Texas. So, I get to write off the cost of equipment I use for work; and I do use my glass A LOT! Also, Swaro offered me a pretty great industry discount to promote their products to our clients. Those things combined make it a sensible investment that I can get back out of without a loss.

Your point is well taken, though. If I just went on a single hunt a year there's NO way I'd be making an investment like this. I still have to buy it piece by piece, lol! Just ordered the eyepiece yesterday. It'll prolly be a month before I can afford the 85mm objective and the cover. If this scope doesn't help me do my job better and (thus) earn me bigger tips, it WILL go down the road and I'll be downgrading to a less expensive scope.

I'll say this for Swarovski- when I ordered the eyepiece I was surprised that they were charging sales tax since they're in Rhode Island and I'm in Texas. On the other hand, they were surprised that I wasn't ordering the lens at the same time. I explained that I still had to save more to afford the lens. Swarovski then further increased my discount to cover the cost of the sales tax so that the price I paid was EXACTLY what I was quoted!! I thought that was VERY cool of them!!

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Get the 95mm, its that much better than the 85..