Thanks Dotman!
Endless funds? I got to that line and almost spit coffee on my phone, LOL! That's funny. That's not me but I'm lucky enough to be the ranch manager and head guide for a large year-round hunting ranch in South Texas. So, I get to write off the cost of equipment I use for work; and I do use my glass A LOT! Also, Swaro offered me a pretty great industry discount to promote their products to our clients. Those things combined make it a sensible investment that I can get back out of without a loss.
Your point is well taken, though. If I just went on a single hunt a year there's NO way I'd be making an investment like this. I still have to buy it piece by piece, lol! Just ordered the eyepiece yesterday. It'll prolly be a month before I can afford the 85mm objective and the cover. If this scope doesn't help me do my job better and (thus) earn me bigger tips, it WILL go down the road and I'll be downgrading to a less expensive scope.
I'll say this for Swarovski- when I ordered the eyepiece I was surprised that they were charging sales tax since they're in Rhode Island and I'm in Texas. On the other hand, they were surprised that I wasn't ordering the lens at the same time. I explained that I still had to save more to afford the lens. Swarovski then further increased my discount to cover the cost of the sales tax so that the price I paid was EXACTLY what I was quoted!! I thought that was VERY cool of them!!
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