Swarovski 3-10x42 a habicht recoil


Dec 11, 2022
Hi was wondering what people's thoughts are on this scope swarovski 3-10x42 a habicht how well they track and hold up to heavy recoil and glass quality.
Forgot to mention was looking to put it on a bolt action shotgun shooting sabot slugs
Timber and couple small fields style hunting.
I did find one but have read mixed reviews on holding up and point of impact shift.
Sorry to be dense, but I'm curious as to how much tracking is important with a bolt action shotgun.
Guess I should have said holding point of impact and future adjustments not so much dailing the turret up and down on a constant basis like for elr shooting
I have a 3-9x36 if that helps. Not sure if the mechanics are the same. It’s from late-80’s / early - 90’s. It has lived on a .338WM and now a 35 Whelen. It has killed every animal it’s been pointed at from CO to Alaska. No failures of any kind. I’ve never done the 3’ drop so I cannot comment on that. It has spent many miles in cases on quads, on tbe strut of a supercub, and rattling around in open skiffs. I have a newer Z3, I much prefer the old scope.
Thanks from what I read z3 is the newer version of habicht. If you don't mind asking what don't you care as much about .
Guess I should have said holding point of impact and future adjustments not so much dailing the turret up and down on a constant basis like for elr shooting
That makes more sense. Sorry, I was being a bit suspicious that you might be a brand new member building posts to get to the classifieds and possibly to scam someone. I was trying to imagine how much tracking would be needed for slugs and something wasn't adding up. Unfortunately the scammers are getting so prevalent that some of us (or at least me) are paying more (too much?) attention to new posts/posters.
No problem I know the scope is warranty but would not want to wound a animal if there is a chance that I should be looking at a different model
I have 100% feedback on ebay and gunbroker and sold and bought on longrangehunting.com.
Just run across this forum.
Thanks from what I read z3 is the newer version of habicht. If you don't mind asking what don't you care as much about .

The Z3 I have is the 3-10x42. It seems rather distorted around the edges until it’s cranked up to 5X or so. The variables I’ve had are worse for that at higher X, not lower. I suppose it’s a minor annoyance, yet it’s there nonetheless.
What did you have it on any other issues

It’s riding on a 300 H&H. It’s never been in the woods. In my uneducated opinion they are chasing ounces with the Z3. It seems less robust than the old Habicht, not that I can substantiate that claim in concrete.
No problem I know the scope is warranty but would not want to wound a animal if there is a chance that I should be looking at a different model
I have 100% feedback on ebay and gunbroker and sold and bought on longrangehunting.com.
Just run across this forum.
One that old probably doesn't still have a warranty
One that old probably doesn't still have a warranty
Funny you say that I thought I read they changed from lifetime but after 3 tries and a total of almost 3 hrs waiting for someone to pickup the guy said it was lifetime but not sure if he was well versed because when I asked what they are recoil rated at he asked what I meant and when I said example rated up to 50bmg he said he would have to check and it would take some time.
Funny you say that I thought I read they changed from lifetime but after 3 tries and a total of almost 3 hrs waiting for someone to pickup the guy said it was lifetime but not sure if he was well versed because when I asked what they are recoil rated at he asked what I meant and when I said example rated up to 50bmg he said he would have to check and it would take some time.
If you speak again to a human, see if you can get them to tel you the RGB color code for their Swaro green.