Swarovski 12x50 or 15x56


Jan 15, 2014
I know there have been a few discussions in regards to these options but I'm hoping for some new/additional insight....

My current set up is Conquest HD 10x42 and the small Vortex Razor spotter. I will be buying either one of these swaros but can't decide if I want to just add the 15x to the arsenal or sell the 10x42 Conquest and go with the 12x50 EL (I hear they are tremendous) as my do it all bino.

I'm aware the 12x will be relatively difficult to hand hold but after looking through my brothers 15x 50 Vipers I was surprised at how steady I was with 15x.

I will be Coues deer hunting next month and my hunting here in CA consists of mostly tripod glassing also.

Thanks guys
My 2 cents... keep the 10's, buy the 15's and ditch the spotter. You can get a doubler for the 15's which will give you most of what a small spotter will do and it weighs next to nothing. The swaro 15's are an awesome piece of gear - you won't be disappointed.

I appreciate the input jwb300, I have a feeling I'll end up with the 15x before too long. However, talked with the guys at Outdoorsmans and decided to go with the 12x 50 EL. Unfortunately they won't be able to have the stud installed for the tripod mount in time for my hunt (last minute during holidays)...so now I'm looking for a mounting option to get me through my hunt.
I have the 12x50 el's and a medium Outdoorsman tripod. I use the Swaro tripod mount with mine. I use mine as much with the tripod as without and you can hold them very steady. If I get cold or it is windy, they have to go on the tripod though. Great choice.

I also run the Swaro spotter for when I need to really pick stuff apart. Coues hunting is one of those times.
swarovski makes a "universal" mount that utilizes a strap over the bino. Kind of expensive though. If I sill have mine your welcome to borrow it for your hunt if you pay shipping.

Let me know and I'll look for it tonight.
I appreciate the input jwb300, I have a feeling I'll end up with the 15x before too long. However, talked with the guys at Outdoorsmans and decided to go with the 12x 50 EL. Unfortunately they won't be able to have the stud installed for the tripod mount in time for my hunt (last minute during holidays)...so now I'm looking for a mounting option to get me through my hunt.

I have forgotten my adaptor more times than I like to remember. Furtunately I've always had a bit of electrical tape so have just taped them onto the top of the tripod head.

You will love the 12's - good luck on your hunt.
SLC 15s are a dream to look through! 93 percent light transmission and fantastic field of view!
swarovski makes a "universal" mount that utilizes a strap over the bino. Kind of expensive though. If I sill have mine your welcome to borrow it for your hunt if you pay shipping.

Let me know and I'll look for it tonight.
Awesome gesture! I'll take you up on it if you can find it. I know the adaptor you're talking about and I'd hate to drop $100+ for this hunt only as I'll be dropping the binos off at Outdoorsmans on my drive back through Phoenix.
Awesome gesture! I'll take you up on it if you can find it. I know the adaptor you're talking about and I'd hate to drop $100+ for this hunt only as I'll be dropping the binos off at Outdoorsmans on my drive back through Phoenix.

I found it! Shoot me a PM. I can ship it tomorrow.

Thanks again, Craig! It worked great. It be headed back your way tomorrow.


My brother got his first Javelina and I glassed up my first herd of border hoppers.

We also forget our game bags so a quick trip to Walmart for some fancy pillowcases did the trick.
Right on! Glad I could help.

Congrats on the javelina.

Let me know when it arrives back so I can toss the shipping receipt. Thanks again btw....much appreciated. I thought
about sending some cactus rat chorizo along with it.....I owe you a cold one someday.