Swarovski 10x42 - SLC or EL


Oct 2, 2014
That and pocket book size in some situations.

Contrast is a direct result of resolution. The ELs and the SLCs have the same glass and coatings, as well as the same prisms. This would make there resolution in the center of the image very, very close if not completely identical. I don't believe you are correct about the low light contrast, because optically there would have to differences in resolution or glass composition. There is no other way. The swaro rep I know disagreed with your statement, stating that light transmission was the only difference in low light performance.

Matt Cashell

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Western MT
That and pocket book size in some situations.

Contrast is a direct result of resolution. The ELs and the SLCs have the same glass and coatings, as well as the same prisms. This would make there resolution in the center of the image very, very close if not completely identical. I don't believe you are correct about the low light contrast, because optically there would have to differences in resolution or glass composition. There is no other way. The swaro rep I know disagreed with your statement, stating that light transmission was the only difference in low light performance.

I don't know what to tell you, friend, but this doesn't need to be an argument. I think we are all trying to help the OP.

Contrast and resolution are independant, but related. Too little contrast and apparent resolution suffers. Too much, and it also suffers. You can see yourself by moving a photoshop or lightroom contrast slider.

The information on low light contrast came from Swarovski at their booth last year at the SHOT show when I asked them.

Ryan Avery

Staff member
Jan 5, 2012
BB, I agree that is the way it was explained to me also. Kody, you can't make a bad decision here!


Nov 27, 2013
BB, I agree that is the way it was explained to me also. Kody, you can't make a bad decision here!

I knew either one would be great! Now comes the hard part, the decision doesn't look any easier. I will have to play around with them side by side. It was an easier decision for me before the SLC got so light!
Jul 30, 2013
Humboldt county
I wasn't referring to brightness in my post, I was referring to an increase in low light CONTRAST which helps precisely with picking out animals from similarly colored backgrounds. That is why Swarovski emphasized the trait in their binoculars aimed at hunters.

I am certainly not trying to "fool" anyone. I am relaying what Swarovski reps have told me personally, and sharing my own experience. I wouldn't fault any hunter for preferring the SLC to the EL or vice-versa. They certainly wouldn't be a fool, and it is definitley a matter of personal preference.

Bitterroot I think your right on here. My father got the EL's last year and hatted them. He tried to force himself to like them and thought he would get used to the globe
Issue that he experianced( I did not). He finally sold them and went with the SLC and loves them. I also agree that it's easier to pick apart shadows with the SLC, don't know why. Your much more techy about glass then I will ever be but that's what my eyes told me and in sure the way they are built result in that.

If more people left the stigma out of the decision I think more people would end up with SLC then EL's. People are constantly told that the EL's are better glass, and they probably are but they may not be the best tool for the job.


Jun 14, 2013
N.E. Mn. / Mt.
For me it was the SV EL's. The view to my eyes is amazing and for me the ergo's sealed the deal. I think you do really need to do a proper side by side to see what works best for YOU. Since I've had mine I've pretty much stopped looking at other 10x binos.


Nov 6, 2013
A percentage of people (1% roughly) have problems with the field flattener lenses that is makes up Swarovision. Its all about how your brain processes signal from your eyes. The SLC's and most other glass show a curved image, similar to what your eye sees, this leads to the minor-major edge distortion you see in most glass. The field flattening lenses give you a flat image with no edge distortion. Its more prevalent in the smaller 32's if you are wired that way. That being said, a lot of people who notice it in the 32's and 42's won't see it in the 50 mm objective glass.