Swaro eyepiece choice- 20-60 vs 25-50W ATS/STS 65mm HD?


Jun 3, 2012

I tried searching this topic under a few different parameters with not much luck.

I’m in the market for a better, lighter spotter for backpack elk and sheep hunting. Pretty much settled on the Swaro STS 65 HD as best balance of budget & performance. The Kowas are way pricey up here north of the 49th.

My question- is there a consensus on which eyepiece is the nicest to use? I usually prefer eyebox and FoV over every last X of magnification, so wondering about the harder to find 25-50 W.
25-50 is nice for the added FOV, but some people complain about kidney beaning. I didn't notice it near as much with the 20-60. That being said, I have the 25-50.
I had to have this scope. I bought the angled version and the 25-50. Honestly not too blown away by it. I was pretty disappointed running it against a Maven 65mm this year. I woulda taken the Maven
I bought one with a 25-50. Personally I had dark spots in FOV a bit. It bothered me. So I picked up a 20-60 to compare. They went away. Additionally I was able to resolve more (objectively using charts) at distance with the extra 10x power.

The FOV suffered a tad, but in my measured comparisons only 10% or so. The extra resolution at distance and ditching the blackouts were worth it to me.

And it happened to be cheaper and a few oz lighter. I haven’t looked back.

Edit. If I recall both at 50x the 25-50 did resolve more (with a wider FOV) but it didn’t bother me because if I wanted more resolution, I zoomed in 10x more.
Had the pre- HD version of the 65 with the 20-60x eyepiece. Sold it. Tried a buddy’s a few years later with the 25-50W and liked it much better.
I prefer the 30x fixed reticle gen1 Vortex Razor eyepiece.....
Ah. That’s a good point. Thanks for the reminder Don!

I own the Razor 85mm w/ 30x MRad eyepiece. Been waffling between STS or Kowa. But the ability to continue using the Razor MRad eyepiece tips the scales heavily toward Swaro.
Ah. That’s a good point. Thanks for the reminder Don!

I own the Razor 85mm w/ 30x MRad eyepiece. Been waffling between STS or Kowa. But the ability to continue using the Razor MRad eyepiece tips the scales heavily toward Swaro.
You can use the razor eye piece in the ATS?
The first gen razor is the same focal length as the STS/STM, ATS/ATM. The subtensions therefore are the same. Different focal lengths will make the subtensions inaccurate. I have heard the Burris reticle eyepiece will work on the swaro's also. But I have not had a chance to try/compare myself.
The first gen razor is the same focal length as the STS/STM, ATS/ATM. The subtensions therefore are the same. Different focal lengths will make the subtensions inaccurate. I have heard the Burris reticle eyepiece will work on the swaro's also. But I have not had a chance to try/compare myself.
I bought a Burris for my swaro 65. It had a minor clearance issue and wouldn’t lock in. Could have just been a bad sample but I was a tad disappointed.

It still worked btw just not that solid lock up.