SW Kansas Pheasant hunting opportunities?


Dec 5, 2014
Snyder Texas
Hi yall....been researching my chances at doing a DIY pheasant hunt to SW Kansas/ Unit 18. That area is my target because im in West texas and can be there in about 6 hours, so its the closest area in Kansas. If there are other public land pheasant hunts closer, Id appreciate any info yall are willing to provide.

Looking at their maps, they have numerous walk in areas available, so that's a plus. My initial thoughts are Elkhart and LIberal Kansas. Again...based on my location, that's my initial thoughts.

If anyone is willing to assist or provide info/intel/ etc its much appreciated whether its in here, or by direct message. If not, I totally understand that as well. with the number of walk in areas available, im hoping i should be able to at least flush a few birds with my lab on a solo hunt.
Check out cedar bluff... You need to find water to find birds. Don't try to limit yourself to the far SW corner. Read the upland bird forecast info that KDWP puts out to figure out where the best bird densities coincide with the right kind of walk in areas... Especially if your coming by yourself. DM me if you've got more questions.