Surface Rust Removal and Blueing Touch Up?


Jan 9, 2019
Hudson, WI
I have a 28 year old Remington 700 BDL 3006 that I am setting up with a new scope and rail for some longer range shooting. When I took the rear ramp for the open site off there were a couple of scratches where the sight base bit into the barrel. I was able to remove most of the rust with Break Free CLP and light steel wool. Is there another product I can use that is a little more aggressive?

Also, any suggestions for touching up the blueing in this area?

Thank You!

Tod osier

Sep 11, 2015
Fairfield County, CT -> Sublette County, WY
Bronze wool will remove rust, but not bluing (which steel wool removes) if you are careful with it.

I'd try the Brownell Oxpho-Blue to reblue. There is some magic and quirky parts to doing it, but it does work well. Read some tutorials online or watch a couple videos. I've tried a few products in the past and the oxpho gives the best color and quality finish. When I've done it and had really good luck, I've worked on a lightly oiled surface and used a rag to apply, but then buffed off with a very fine scotch brite pad (finest the box store has - gray is the color I used). You put it on and buff it off several times. Eventually it gets there. When you start little happens, but then once it works, it gets better and better. I've had good luck blending into what was there this way.
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Jan 2, 2020
Try flitz metal polish and just apply with a rag. I always used it for marine applications but my buddy down in Florida told me how well it worked on an old blued rifle he had. I gave it a try and it worked wonders on a Mossberg 500 barrel I have. May take a couple times applying and buffing but I've had really good luck with it removing rust.
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