Suppressor Causing Groups to Grow


Feb 13, 2019
How so?.... I mean the idea is that OCW with a large enough sample size you'd be able to gather enough data for a good statistical analysis of the performance and be able to extrapolate what the standard deviations would be for group sizings.
When OCW is taken to a statistically valid sample size the groups either average the same, or the lower powder charges have less dispersion. Nodes don't exist.
Jul 6, 2022
So just an update on this topic.

I got selected to qualify for a CPW dispersal hunt in southern CO, so I put a pause on the troubleshooting with this ELD-X load and focused on developing a Non-Lead load (ended up using Barnes 168gr TTSX)

The Barnes load was sitting on top of 54gr of H4350 in Lapua Brass w/ CCI 200’s to light it off. MV was 2605 FPS, SD of 10 and ES in the mid 20s. This load shot really well for me (.5-.65moa for 5shot groups).

After qualifying last week I decided to test them thru the TBAC ultra7…. Expecting the groups to open up like they did with the ELD-X load, but they didn’t! Shot .7 moa 😳. I didn’t have my chrono with me to see what was going on with the free bore boost etc, but I was still amazed.

This gives me some hope that dropping the powder charge may be the ticket to getting the ELD-X load to group better. Hoping to get out to the range soon to test the theory.


Jun 25, 2023
So just an update on this topic.

I got selected to qualify for a CPW dispersal hunt in southern CO, so I put a pause on the troubleshooting with this ELD-X load and focused on developing a Non-Lead load (ended up using Barnes 168gr TTSX)

The Barnes load was sitting on top of 54gr of H4350 in Lapua Brass w/ CCI 200’s to light it off. MV was 2605 FPS, SD of 10 and ES in the mid 20s. This load shot really well for me (.5-.65moa for 5shot groups).

After qualifying last week I decided to test them thru the TBAC ultra7…. Expecting the groups to open up like they did with the ELD-X load, but they didn’t! Shot .7 moa 😳. I didn’t have my chrono with me to see what was going on with the free bore boost etc, but I was still amazed.

This gives me some hope that dropping the powder charge may be the ticket to getting the ELD-X load to group better. Hoping to get out to the range soon to test the theory.
As others have said nodes don’t exist and dropping a charge won’t change things. Swapping powders and bullets are what make a difference with a rifle. You also need a consistent bullet release. Similar to the results with the barnes I would try a few different bullets. Your rifle does not like that particular eldx. You’ll be better off abandoning it than continuing to chase things.

I tested this theory recently with a new 7prc. Rifle was built with no expense spared. I did some Initial bullet test with middle of the road powder charges. I shot the 180 eldm, 175 eldx, 139 barnes lrx, and 180 berger. The eldm shot around 3/4 moa. The 175 shot around half. The 180 berger shot around half, and the barnes shot around 3/4. While I shot through my brass the first time I wanted to see if I could average around a .5 with the 180s. I tested 4 different powders and numerous charges and seating depths. Toward the end of my brass I settle with what in theory should be the best combination. I shot a 20 shot group, 4 at a time letting the barrel cool between strings. In the end my groups with the 180s were right at 1”. Everything I did, did not change a thing.

I then swapped over the the eldx with my once fired brass, ran it up to pressure, backed it off a grain. Shot my 20 shot group, and I was right around .6. Point being I did nothing special with the bullet it loved. It took 30 shots to do load development and hammers now. I have consistent brass and a bullet the gun likes. Case closed.
May 24, 2019
I saw a very similar situation with a rifle I own when a suppressor was used. I changed bullets and power and it is shooting even better than the load I had group well before I put the can on.