Super zooms


May 26, 2017
North Idaho
Wondering if anyone has tried any of the superzoom 4K cameras out; Nikon Coolpix B700, Panasonic Lumix DC-FZ80, Canon PowerShot SX60 HS, etc...
I haven't tried any of those yet but the one I would be interested in is the Sony RX10 IV. It's pricey ($1700) but may be the best for image quality. I've been shooting a Canon SX10 IS for quite a few years with good results. Before that, a Canon S3 IS. I'm thinking it may be time to update again.

The Sony RX10 IV shoots 4K and gets great reviews as a video camera.
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Ive had the SX50, 30, and the Sony RX10 III.

The RX10 III is a stunning camera that edges the SX50 HS at the far end and destroys it under 1200mm equivalent (with clear image zoom).

If it were my money, for wildlife, I’d buy the RX10 IV or a GX8 + Panasonic Leica 100-400 and not look back.

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We have been selling the Canon and Nikon. Both are good cameras. If video is important then the Canon SX60 is not 4K. If the image is the most important for stills then the best in this class is the Sony DSC-HX400. It has a real Zeiss lens, is great in low light and, IMO, the best for photographs.
Feel free to contact me with any questions
I've been using the Panasonic for our kill shots on the show and I really like the idea/form factor of the super zooms but I'm not a fan of that Panasonic. I just don't like their menu systems on any of their cameras. Beyond that it completely loses focus when you have it about zoomed all the way back...whether your in manual focus or not, it completely blows out and comes back in. With how little I use it, it's ok but if it were more of a main camera I'd be switching.
Thanks guys. The 4K isn't a need by any stretch, as I am just a dabbler on a shoe string (nonexistent) budget. I wouldn't hesitate to get a good 1080 with a bigger sensor/higher finished product than the low end 4Ks. I'm just want as good a picture as possible with a big zoom. Jordan I have always wondered what you guys use. There are so many shows that I just cringe when they can't get any closer with animals that aren't very far away. Then I see Best of the West shoot something two counties away and get good footage! It is very appreciated that you guys take advantage of technology to fit your need. I have loved the Land of the Free series and they are archery and focused on the kill shots so they used one of the mirrorless 4k Sonys. They had scenes of them chatting about the great rut action they were watching with 10X binos-and no footage! It sounded like it was only several hundred yards away and with their set up they couldn't even attempt to record it. I'm not knocking Born and Raised in any way as they are a great self started group, competing against big money pros. They are just the last example that I have noticed lately. I think most of us would rather see cool footage that's a tad grainy or have heat waves than hear someone talk about what happened.
If you really want the reach and 4K is not an issue check out the Nikon P900.

Going to run one this season (just around the corner here in the Southern Hemisphere) to see how it fairs.....I don't need to count rings or points, just getting a few nice captures of animals doing their thing will be the goal.
Joel-how does the P900 (not 4k, but 83x optical zoom) compare to the B700 (4k and 60X optical zoom) at longer distances? Is it pretty much a wash out given that you can probably crop the 4k in post processing and get a similar finished product?
I just got the Sony RX10IV and am very impressed with it so far.
Its mechanical zoom is 600mm (25X).
If you put it into 'clear image zoom' it gives you two times your 600mm (50X).
Then if you put it into 'digital zoom' it gives you four times your 600mm (100x).
Have had a SX60 for a couple of years now and its a bit of a love hate. when i first got it I loved it thought it was awesome.
But in reality alot of the photos are not that clear and it struggles in anything 'low light'. What you get with a huge zoom in a relatively small and cheap camera I guess.

I have seen a fair few guys with them and some seem to take better pics than mine, could be or mine could be dirty as all hell.

I have a mate who uses the Lumix and it seems to take better photos, he is better and driving the thing than me though.

super zooms are cool, but they often struggle in lower light in hunting situations and are bulky. A good 'phone skope' with a new phone and a Swaro spotter is probably better. I know a very well made TV show here that uses A Swaro spotter and phone footage for their show and it is 'TV quality", to my eyes anyways.
The P900, no longer made but still around is ok. No better then the B700 just a bigger zoom. The small sensor gives the huge zoom range. It's big and not great in low light. My #1 choice is the Sony HX400. Unless you go to the RX10 series, larger sensor, faster lens, better lens but pricey, the images will be good, but not great.

Hey Joel, one more question-while I was reading some reviews on these cameras one of them mentioned that it only can take 8 minute videos! Is that the case with many of these cameras? Hadn't even considered that they could be so limiting! I guess I mistakenly thought if you had the storage and battery to last that you can film indefinitely.
Most are 29 minute clips. Reason for this is tariffs on camcorders. Any longer then 29 and they are considered camcorders