Successful Trad Hunters: How do You Train? What are your Habits for Success?

My Shot process will be different than someone else. Pick a couple key things that you need to focus on to execute a good shot. For example, I typically don't have a problem following through with a strong bow I don't include that. I know others that tend to peek- prematurely lowering their arm.

I haven't even shot at all this year. My shooting benefits from perfect alignment....and actually feeling back tension with little tension in my arm. My short/quick mantra is typically those two things....then bore in on the spot I want to hit.

I gap shoot so I judge the yardage and decide on a gap prior to drawing.
It's funny though, I shoot better when I focus on my form and let my peripheral vision and subconscious worry about the gap. When I focus on the gap at the arrow, I shoot a little worse for some reason.
I haven’t read through all the other post but theirs is probably a ton of good advice.
Rabbit holes with trad archery go super DEEP!!

If your broadheads are shooting where your field points all I would not start trying to super tune anything. It can get expensive and frustrating. Start slow and just learn good fo before anything else!!
Again if your broadhead shoots where your field points shoot then focus on your form and shooting practice. Your arrow will do its job.

Keep your broad heads sharp.

Can get a treestand to practice elevated shots. Just move your target around below the stand and practice from it for down hill shots. Steep up hill can be a challenge if you don’t have elevation.

Extras that I carry.
1. String. Yes, shoot both of them so they are stretched and tuned correctly. Then put one in your pack and leave it there. Many have been cut by a broadhead and if you don’t have a backup your hunt is done.
2. Shooting glove or tab. Whatever you use. Shoot both so they are worn in.
3. Arm guard if you use one.
4. Bow stringer if you use one.

That’s pretty much the extras I carry.

I also by two inch elastic band material from Walmart and sew a couple to pull up and over my bicep area. If I have a baggy rain jacket on it will keep the extra material down.

I also use an arrow piggy back to carry an arrow with a judo on it for stump shooting/practice while I am hunting. And for grouse!!
I haven’t read through all the other post but theirs is probably a ton of good advice.
Rabbit holes with trad archery go super DEEP!!
There's been some great advice for sure, have been putting into practice what I've learned here and reading every new post. Stealing your extras list, good call on getting a second shooting glove ready as well. I'm taking more time to focus on form and shot process to avoid unnecessary time-suck from tuning arrows with subpar form. Got awesome info and material from a few tuning wizards on this thread to put into action when I feel like I'm good enough to warrant it.

The best and most straightforward advice for me so far has been to just go out and shoot/hunt in the field. I finally pushed myself to leave the shotgun at home this weekend and try for cottontail with the recurve. It took me less than an hour and I was more stoked on a harvest than I've been in a long time. The bunny presented me with a still, perfect broadside at 8 yards, so not an impressive shot by any metric. But I saw it, snapped into form and just ran my shot sequence without thinking about it and hit him at center mass right on the liver. I tend to paralysis by analysis and that one shot answered a lot of open questions like "well, what if the terrain is like this, or what if it's a close shot but at this angle, or what if I have to balance weird," because in the moment I didn't think of any of that and just shot my dang bow. I have a tendon/muscle thing in my back that creates a popping sensation when I'm at full draw, so I just drew back to the pop, checked my gap and let it go.

A long write up for a single little cottontail, but my first bow kill and huge learning experience. I save my skins/furs, so seeing how much cleaner an arrow kills compared to a shotgun is getting me pretty pumped to keep pursuing small game with a recurve.

Hope this keeps going, I know I'm not the only one reading all the awesome input.
great job on the shot at the rabbit. It’s such a rewarding sport for sure!! And don’t discount the 8 yard distance. I have missed a fair amount up close when forgetting my shot process!!
I know how you feel about how cool it is to harvest with your bow. I killed a pig the other day with my Widow and some wooden arrows I put together. First time out with that bow and arrow setup and I was happy as could be!
Keep up the good work and congrats on having an internal psycho trigger(you popping back) hahaha
Thanks, right back at you for the pig! Yeah, it's really addictive, I'm giving it about 3 more months before I start making snide comments about hunting anything with a firearm 😂