Successful Himalayan Snowcock Opener


Jun 19, 2017
Three of us (plus a photographer) went into the Ruby Mountains Wilderness on Thursday. We were backpacking about 10 miles a day around 10,000'. The season opened Saturday. Sunday morning we connected with a covey a couple hours from our spike camp, and all three of us were successful.

Travis runs the Upchukar podcast. We'll be recounting everything on there hopefully before him and I leave for our elk hunt in a couple weeks. As of now it looks like Project Upland will be releasing a video from the footage we took some time in the next year.

These birds only live in Asia and the Ruby Mountains.

Having trouble attaching pictures. I'll try to figure something out later.
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Amazing. Its at the top of my bucket list... if I had one.

I'd love to see your pictures, video, and hear more.
Amazing. Its at the top of my bucket list... if I had one.

I'd love to see your pictures, video, and hear more.

You can check out the link in my signature to my Instagram (@terrycowens). I need to figure out a way to post pictures on this site. Since Photobucket rage quit the internet, I haven't found a hosting setup that isn't a hassle.

We're trying to schedule time to record the podcast some time this week but we're all swamped until after big game season.
The trophy shots are all by Wil Sensing . Kid followed us all over the damn mountains lugging a giant DSLR around his neck, not knowing if we knew what we were doing or not haha. He took all the video and is putting the video together for Project Upland.




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That's epic! Thanks for sharing. I'm sure most dont understand how big of an accomplishment that is, but it's big time.
I'd have to mount one of those.
All four birds went straight to the taxidermist haha.

Is that a 60's Model 12 i'm seeing? Well done!!
I believe that is what he was shooting, although admittedly I am not much of an expert on shotguns. I just use my beater 870 that's been dropped a dozen times haha.

Thanks for all the kind words. It was probably one of the hardest hunts I've ever participated in. We saw more mountain goats, sheep, and high country bucks than birds, if that tells you anything about the country they inhabit. They were typically flushing on us at a 1/4 mile. Travis and I got our birds a little under 70 yards.

I can't wait to do it again next year haha.
Dang,great pics and let us know when the video comes out. Will have to check out that chukar podcast. Congrats again that looks like an amazing hunt.
Man, that's just cool as hell. Big birds too. They are the size of a Sage grouse. Thanks for sharing. Make sure you tell the photographer that we appreciate his efforts too. The pics were great.
Awesome pictures. I would guess there's not much reason to try and take a dog going after those guys.