
Sep 13, 2016
I hit the hill yesterday morning. My first spot that I wanted to hunt had a truck parked there,so it was off to plan b.I left the truck at about 0600. Got about half way to where I wanted to go and decided to let it get light before I went any farther. The ground was frozen and noisy, with zero elk sign. I decided to head up a different ridge than I was planning on and picked a nice vantage spot with a couple of shooting lanes. I cow called and had an answer from one drainage over from where I was. Just one small bugle was all that came back. I walked the rest of the way to the top of the ridge and the wind was howling up there, so I dropped down below the ridge crest. I noticed elk legs moving in the dark timber below me but couldn’t see anything else. I moved across the hill about 50 yards and they continued moving up my way. Finally a spike picked his head up, so I decided he was going to go home with me. After I shot, all hell broke loose in the timber below me. I watched the whole herd file out across an open hill side. There were 6 bulls in there. All spikes and small raghorns.
My bull was on the ground at 0900. I had it quartered and hung in the trees by 1130 and the first load headed out at 1145. I slipped and busted my ass on a stick under the snow and broke one of my trekking poles but thankfully nothing else. Last trip loaded in the truck at 630 last night.
Sore muscles, great scenery and an elk in my cooler. That’s what memories are made of!


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