STX 65 vs STC


Classified Approved
Jan 28, 2020
I’ve got an STX with a 65 objective and I’m going on a sheep hunt in August and would like to shave some weight. I also have the BTX with a 95. Is the STC/ATC good enough to replace my 65? I’m not sure I’d ever use the 65 again if I make the switch. Thanks in advance for the advice.
Yes. The STX 65 is the weakest spotter out of the TX, TS, or TC lines. I would take the STS or STC over the STX specifically in 65mm. I have ran the STC and left my Kowa 88S at home the last two seasons. I think it’s phenomenal until about the last 15 min.

If not the one on the hook to age I would definitely take the little STC for the weight alone.

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Happily sold my 65mm objective to fund my ATC. Love that little scope compared to the 65ATX. Still like the 95 though but I can’t think of a better small option than the ATC.
Thanks for the help everyone. I think my decision has been made. I’ve found that I use the 95 more often than not so this seems like a no brainer.
My opinion is likely contrary to most. I'm also not a super seasoned spotter guy. I used the stc on a mule deer hunt 2 seasons ago.

I found the eyebox to be shit. Unusable past 25x with a magview on. I had to remove it so I could get my eye closer into the wit the large eyepiece would hit my brow. So I had to contort my head in a strange way which was very uncomfortable. Maybe I'm just a Neanderthal.

Over 30-35x it was difficult to use (eyebox/face issues as well).

I found my maven b2 11x binos way easier to use for finding critters at all ranges when compared to the 17x. And the deer I was watching were at 1-2 miles. Which the stc wouldn't quite give me enough juice to really analyze the racks...not that I really care...but the one I ended up shooting I thought was a giant 2 point...turned out to be a 5x5 (lots of lil crabs).

So I sold it and got a kowa 66 to distinguish the optical use further from the binos and to try a different eye piece. Now my unit may have been weird. Don't know. It's the only swaro I've ever looked through. If it was standard, and your current Swarovski eyepiece works with your face shape then your experience may be much better then mine. But damned that thing just felt like it was fighting me the whole time. It just didn't want to be looked through.