Stress the silent killer, how to minimize


Aug 25, 2015
I'm 60 and want to live longer and healthier. I've had an incredibly stressful life and lots of traumatic experiences, lately my 19 year old daughter!!! LOL

Us Baby Boomers have gone through a lot. How many boomers haven't had a traumatic life? Right?

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction works best for me. However, I fall off the wagon.

Hunting of course is good therapy, but I get too intense about it. That's changing. My wife and friends tell me to retire, but I want to go another 2.5 years for the money.

What do you fellow high strung, A personalities do to chill out?


Jul 1, 2020
I’m not an expert on reducing stress, but I know for me, daily exercise really helps. Exercise is my release and if I skip a day, my body knows it. Without exercise I have a hard time falling asleep or I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back asleep, which only increases stress.
Apr 14, 2019
Fort Myers , FL
After a long healthy life at 58 I had a series of life threatening health issues. After a long recovery Doc said limit stress. I work in a high stress occupation. Prior to my illnesses I couldn't wait to retire. If fact I was overdoing it to make that happen.

I am fortunate in that I am at a point were I can pick and choose my clients and projects I care to work with. After my recovery I started doing so. I’m a month from 61 and really loving my work. I cant image retiring now.

It wasn't the job that was causing my stress it was the idea I had that I had to take on every client and project that came my way. I got rid of all my hard to get along with clients and I don't take projects that I‘m not excited about.

On a personal financial level I dont get myself in any debt and I live within my means on the money I can make from the amount of work I am willing to do.

I steer clear of people with drama or people who like to cause others grief or stress. I spend time with people who are happy and have a good positive attitude.

Its taken my business associates ,friends and family some time to get used to the new me but I got used to me real quick. Life is good and full of successes.

All this leads to more time to spend out of town at my hunting lease. Which makes me very happy.
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Dec 31, 2021
Stress in my world is equal to people. At the head of the list are government agencies. Things that you can't control or adjust to fit your schedule.

As someone that is semiretired, I try to take on projects that are doable within a reasonable time frame. I try to blend that into my work schedule on my farm.

A chief annoyance - people that believe they can pressure me into doing things before I have the time or have worked out a solution for the problem. The second major annoyance are clients that can't make decisions on what the next logical step is. If a path isn't defined it is damn hard to predict the chain of events necessary for permits and timetables.

I find I try reasonably hard to comply until they have properly pissed me off and then I am inclined to advise them to select someone else to make their life miserable.


Jan 24, 2020
Mindfulness for me. Every day, I give thanks for all the good in my life, and accept the bad as part of it. Frustrations and irritations are still present, of course. But I refuse to dwell on them.
Mar 1, 2017
Eagle River, AK
Would help to address the trauma. “I don’t want to talk about it” by Terrence Real is a good book. Will need to see a therapist and do the work.

The last chapter of the book “Outlive” by Peter Attia brings home the importance of mental health in the quest to live longer


Nov 16, 2021
Mnts of Virginia
A$$hole heart surgeon's told my wife to make burial arrangements whilst I was on the operating table... saying my 10% EF* and low 40's BPM was pretty much,stick a fork in him....

65 y.o. spent my career as a contractor with a vengeance. Put my wife and 4 sons through a WHOLE bunch of college. Heck,I never made it through high school.... started contracting with my dad at 17 y.o.

Anyhoo.... worse than the Dr's telling wife of 40+ years that stuff, was all the meds they started me on. Final straw was a Dr being too stupid to look at my charts and vitals and prescribed a med that is bad about.... wait for it.... lowering your heart rate. So I go into a coma of sorts with a mid 30's BPM....

Changed my whole viewpoint on Dr's,pharma,diet,and stress. I take ZERO drugs now,lift weights every other day,shoot my bows religiously. Having a slight problem putting on weight but am finally back to 192(5'9)... just sayin,built like a brick chithouse.

Moral of the story is,you can do anything you put your mind and body to. Lose the alcohol,eat right,and excersize like there's no tomorrow.... you won't have time for stress. Good luck with your project.

*EF is ejection fraction..... I keep saying ejaculation faction. The dumba$$es keep correcting me,bwahaha.