Stone Glacier fitting advice


Sep 15, 2018
I have a SG 40/56 + evo frame and when I load the bag to around 50kg the bag drops and the lumbar pad sits below the small of my back ie, not in my lumbar area. I have the medium waist belt and cinched it as tight as it allows me. I can get my fingers easily under the should straps so most of the load is on my hips. I thought I may need the smaller waist belt but I don't feel that is going to work.

I have micro adjusted everything I can think of but cannot get pack to sit where I feel it should.

Has anyone had the same issue and if so make a recommendation, please?
It’s a 2+2=4 kinda deal. If the pack rides down when loaded, shorten the torso length on the shoulder harness until the pack buckles over the belly button. Then cinch it hard. It’ll lift right off the shoulders automatically.
With that much weight you need to have the shoulder straps tight with no gap anywhere along your shoulders. You will not be able to keep the pack up solely with the belt at that weight.
With that much weight you need to have the shoulder straps tight with no gap anywhere along your shoulders. You will not be able to keep the pack up solely with the belt at that weight.
^^^What this guy said. And another guy said to shorten the straps up a bit which will probably help fit.Hard to tell without a pick but you can have most of the weight on your hips, but 110lbs, you’ll have to have some on you shoulders too. Watch their video on YouTube.
Thanks for the comments!

I have tried all of the above, should straps as low as they can go and in between, waist as tight as it allows me etc. Even if I drop some weight pack still seems to slip. I'm comparing with my 12year basic canvas pack which does not slip but I don't want to go back. I'm new to the detachable bag design.

I have read some post with people saying the Xcurve frame seems to slip less (I dont understand why) but wondering if this is part of what to expect with this style of bag. Have users of other brands have this experience?
A well fitting pack should not slip down, even with 70-80 lbs. Once tight, the belt should lock in place. Could be that your SG frame may not fit your body shape well. Are you a 'flat back / no butt' body type, or a curved back body type. That could impact how a particular frame fits. You may want to call SG and give them a chance to walk you through the proper set up of your pack.
Im definetly curved
A well fitting pack should not slip down, even with 70-80 lbs. Once tight, the belt should lock in place. Could be that your SG frame may not fit your body shape well. Are you a 'flat back / no butt' body type, or a curved back body type. That could impact how a particular frame fits. You may want to call SG and give them a chance to walk you through the proper set up of your pack.
Without seeing how the frame fits you I would say you would be better off with the X curve frame but if you call Stone Glacier they will have some suggestions that may fix the fit for you. They only had one straight frame like the EVO for a long time and managed to make that fit almost everyone.