Still waiting for the story

G Posik

Mar 1, 2012
Sorry it took so long to get to this. This elk was shot on a 10,000 acre ranch in the Kremlin Colorado area. I did not put the tape to it, my guide did and he has been doing this for many years. When he asked me what I thought the score would be I told him " Really big". There are the two disclaimers out of the way.

So after my DIY hunt this year in southern Colorado my boss asked me if I would like to go to a ranch that he has hunted for many years to do an elk hunt. I tell him only if I can bring my longbow. He said of course. So I'm in, off we go. We get there on Wednesday morning. We step out of the truck and my guide is waiting on me and said he has a MONSTER for me. I have two thoughts at this point, 1. ok what are you considering a MONSTER and 2. what are we still doing standing here. I get dressed and grab my Sarrels Superstition longbow (70#) that Bob made for me just a couple months back. Quiver full of Easton Full Metal Jackets tipped with GK Silverflames (200grain). Arrows are weighing 705 grains - according to my scale, not saying this is a certified weight, just what the 3 Rivers Archery scale shows.

We get back to the area where my guide said this Monster is known to hang out. We make a few calls and have some other bulls call back. We get glass on some really nice bulls. My guide looks at me and said "Not our Bull". So feeling a little disappointed, we move on. We run into two more really nice bulls and have them 20' away from us, again I get "Not our bull". Now at this point I am thinking to my self, "What the hell do I get to shoot". About 30 minutes later we are sitting on the side of a drain and see "Our bull". My first words to come out are "No Way". My guide said "That is him, lets go get him". So we move down the drain trying to get in front of him. I make it to the bottom of the drain and find some brush to get next to. I settle in and watch the elk go over the ridge on the other side. At this point my heart is beating like it wants to escape my chest. Then reality sets in.....he crossed over the top and is gone. No wait he is back, and he is coming right at me. Not towards me, right AT me. Now my heart is racing at about 30 beats per minute over my max heart rate. He walks up on a game trail that is 20' from me and stops. He is 20' in front of me and looking at me with the WTH is that. I am not even breathing at this point, he starts to walk off. He still has his head turned looking at me, so I can not draw. I am thinking I will never be able to draw on the guy. Luck have it there is an aspen tree (The only one for a 50' diameter area) that he hits with his left antler. He turns his head to look at the tree and that is when I draw, hit anchor and release. I am not sure if my eyes were even open at this point. I watch the 31 1/2" arrow drive about 26" into his chest. He is slightly quartering away and the entry is between his 3rd and 4th rib from the back. He takes off like his tail is on fire, or like he just got stuck with an arrow any way.



This is the biggest elk I will ever kill. To shoot him with my longbow has made this the best trophy in the world for me. I did get to share camp with 3 other guys that made the experience the best hunt in the world. When the taxidermist dose the official score I will update. The score I was told by my guide was in the field but what ever comes back I am more than happy. Still have a smile on my face.

I did use my ELKNUTS bugle tube to do some calling to get him to sound off for us. Thanks Paul!


This is my favorite picture of this Monster.


Feb 26, 2012
Olympia, WA
What a bull! Holy smokes. I hope I can afford that hunt some day. I would say your money was VERY well spent. :)

That's a 390-400" gross bull. Just my guess.


Jun 21, 2012
Nor Cal
Well I guess you know what your work bonus is now... What a Great boss. No way you can tell him no to that pet project now!

Certainly the bull of a lifetime. Nice to see with traditional gear.

G Posik

Mar 1, 2012
Got the official score sheet(SCI) from the taxidermist. Measured 543 4/8". I left the score sheet at work so will have to post it Monday.