What are all you using as far as stakes for your shelters. Specifically floorless.
Right now i have a mix of MSR groundhogs, TNF v stakes, and durapegs, and 1 UL vargo nail.
Im looking at picking up some more vargo titanium stakes to save weight, just can figure out which ones to get,
Has anyone used the ascent titanium stake? I have 1 nail peg i got a while ago to see how it was.
Im thinking if i mix a few groundhogs or durapegs for the cardinal stakes, then use vargo titanium for the rest i will save some real weight considering My shelter is able to take up to 14 stakes if i want all the loops filled.
Thanks for the imput.
Right now i have a mix of MSR groundhogs, TNF v stakes, and durapegs, and 1 UL vargo nail.
Im looking at picking up some more vargo titanium stakes to save weight, just can figure out which ones to get,
Has anyone used the ascent titanium stake? I have 1 nail peg i got a while ago to see how it was.
Im thinking if i mix a few groundhogs or durapegs for the cardinal stakes, then use vargo titanium for the rest i will save some real weight considering My shelter is able to take up to 14 stakes if i want all the loops filled.
Thanks for the imput.