Spring cleaning sale! All items are new, prices are paypal f and f conus, plus actual shipping cost from CO.
Mini keg with, new medium xpac belt pouch, short straps medium belt 350
Bino chest harness with medium bucket, original webbing harness, and steelhead harness 130
Lost park parka pants medium multicam 250
Benchmade meatcrafter 250
Hpg large bino bucket 40
Rat 5 with custom kydex sheath and belt clip 80
Spyderco morans 80 each
Spyderco aqua salt 150
Mini keg with, new medium xpac belt pouch, short straps medium belt 350
Bino chest harness with medium bucket, original webbing harness, and steelhead harness 130
Lost park parka pants medium multicam 250
Benchmade meatcrafter 250
Hpg large bino bucket 40
Rat 5 with custom kydex sheath and belt clip 80
Spyderco morans 80 each
Spyderco aqua salt 150