Spotting scope help

I use 8x42 SLC and Meopta Meostar 15x56 for 99% of my glassing. I disagree with the posters above saying that 8x is useless out west. I prefer the steady image and field of view of 8x compared to 10x. When I need more, I go with the 15x on a tripod. Agree with going with as much spotter objective as you’re willing to carry. The brightness and overall image quality is worth the extra weight IMO
Leave your 8x at home unless hunting in the timber in AZ.

Stretch your budget if needed and buy a quality pair of 15-18x binoculars, a mid-tier tripod (ex: Slik or Manfrotto), and a head of your choice. Then go learn to how to properly glass.

Few individuals, percentage wise, can actually glass effectively with a spotting scope. My SLC 15s get the nod for glassing despite have a STX 65/95 (used only for confirmations and/or clarifications). Worry about a quality spotter much much later in life.

Glassing for game in the desert is typically about day-long hours spent in the glass slowly and methodically dissecting everything. Low(er) quality glass tends to give head aches, eye strain, etc which means less time in the glass. Plus the lower clarity means you'll miss a lot more game. This is why quality optics matters.
My setup is almost exactly as described above. I just rock the ol' STMs. The SLC15s cover the lions share of the work. Upgrade your binos and worry about spotter later.
I use 8x42 SLC and Meopta Meostar 15x56 for 99% of my glassing. I disagree with the posters above saying that 8x is useless out west. I prefer the steady image and field of view of 8x compared to 10x. When I need more, I go with the 15x on a tripod. Agree with going with as much spotter objective as you’re willing to carry. The brightness and overall image quality is worth the extra weight IMO
I have used 8's, 10's, and 12's. 8's are by far my favorite. I can cover ground quickly, and hold them steadier. When I see something 10's or 12s are not going to show what detail I want to see anyways. I'll break out the spotter for that.
Looking to buy a spotting scope for Deer hunting in Arizona.
I already own a pair of binoculars 8X42 vortex diamondbacks which I bought when I lived in NY and am not planning on buying a second pair of binos with higher power.
IMO If you are planning for deer hunting in Arizona you are going about it all wrong.

The tried and true formula in AZ in order of importance:
1) 10x around your neck.
2) 15x in your pack
3) spotting scope
4) BTX or Twins ditching the 15x and scope

Highest quality 10x on a tripod will find you more deer than low quality binoculars and a scope. Adding high quality 15x will find you more deer than the high quality 10x. A high quality scope will identify bogies and antler size quickly so you can get back to glassing with your 15’s ASAP. BTX or Twins are better than all of the above but you still need something of high quality around your neck.
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I've hunted couse in AZ once and it reminded me of hunting southern sierras in CA. For me the more power the better, but I glass through my spotter a lot (probably more than I should).