What Nick said. Your pack will be so much lighter on a guided hunt than on a solo backpack hunt, why wouldn’t you want to have your own glass?
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If I was paying $20K+ for a guided sheep hunt, there's not a chance I would go without my own spotter! Glassing is what you'll be doing the most and being a part of the entire process would be very important to me. Additionally, you likely won't be carrying a very heavy load, depending on the circumstances of the hunt you book and the weight of a nice spotter and tripod would not be overwhelming at all.
My answer is it depends.. how in shape will you be? What is your experience level with backpack mountain hunts?
Some outfitters are more likely to walk you to your limits, in that case you might be wise to go without. My sheep hunt this past year was less strenuous than any elk hunt I’ve ever done. That said, my outfitter still has plenty of stories of people wanting to quit.
Being of the same mindset as Nick, I carried a Kowa 553 and light tripod combo that weighed about 3.5# total. I enjoyed being able to look at whatever I wanted and digiscope as my guide was looking through his scope. That said, I could have probably gotten sufficient time behind the guides scope to be satisfied. The guide did not have a digiscope setup so I’d be sure to bring your own.
Have you thought of “renting” a Swarovski?
Swarovski ATS 80HD 20-60x
$30/day, 7 day minimum is $210 ...
Just a thought to save you a huge upfront purchase if you’re dead set on taking another spotter.
This all being said, I understand I am a bit of a contrarian here. I hunt with a monocular, 10 oz tripod, and a vortex 50mm spotter when I’m hunting sheep. The nice optics stay at home because it’s just not necessary. Luxury items are allowed when they weigh ounces, but not when they weigh 40.
The golden rule of sheep always applies: If it isn’t an essential, you’ll be happier without it.
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Say the outfitter dropped you on a ridgeline within 2000 yards of the sheep.
Also, I just don't see paying the time, effort and money for such a hunt without getting quality optics. I would be satisfied with the Kowa 553-4 or a Swaro or Leica 65 with the newest, best glass (but a sibstantial weight and bulk penalty over the Kowa). I would not be happy with lesser 65 mm optics such as Vortex razor. That is just my opinion and preference. If I miss seeing that single bedded animal, the trip could be wasted. Hopefully the guide will see it, but two sets of eyes are better.
Would it be worth the extra coin to bump up to the 80mm and have to carry that extra weight? Of course I would guess I may have to go to a heavier tripod in the process.
Basically asking is the $2-400 difference and better optics worth the 8-10oz.???