Spotter opinions


Feb 24, 2012
Parker, CO
Glassing no more than 2-3 miles for elk and deer. Would you pick weight savings and packability of Nikon Ed 50/vortex 50 or would you jump to Swarovski/vortex 65? Most locations hunted won't allow for glassing of much longer distances.

Keep in mind that sheep or goat hunts of any kind will have about a 10% chance of ever happening.

Also, tripod recommendations for the smaller scopes and bigger scopes if that is your thoughts.

Thanks. Matt
I could never go smaller than 65 personally. The clarity at 2-3 miles really lacks in the 50s. A ton of guys say the same about the 65s as well though. I personally think the atm 65 is hard to beat if you have the money. I personally have the razor 65 and it has definitely exceeded what one would expect for a $1k spotter. I have the slik cf624 and for the money it is a great tripod.