Spot and Stalk Spring Bear Wyoming


Feb 21, 2021
Hello all,
It's my first post here, so I will try to keep it short. We are working on planning a spring bear trip to Wyoming. But have never done it before. We have spent tons of time in the fall, not so much in the spring. I guess what I'm asking is for just some pointers on what to look for, where bears generally are in the mornings and evenings, etc. I've read a bunch, but sometimes hearing guys who have done it chime in helps more! OnX suggest hunting the Sierra Madres, but last time we was elk hunting up there, the only way you would had spotted a bear was if it was 20 yards in front of you. Am I wrong? or is that a decent option? Anyways any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. We chose Wyoming just because it's a much closer drive for us. Obviously if we need to hear from guys who have done it before to make a final decision. Thanks ahead of time!
Depending on when you’re planning on going, snow pack and road closures could be an issue. I’d plan on the last week of May-first week of June.
Snow was an issue last year for sure, if you can get in somewhere, focus on south facing slopes as they will be chasing the snow line up as it comes off,good luck!.
Chiming in on this post with a question of my own :) Is there a general rule of thumb for when units start closing due to female mortality or is it just a crap shoot? Some of the Western units for example, have higher female mortality quotas, but also seem like they'd be locked up in snow and impassable roads longer as well. I would hate to be banking on a trip out to the western part of the state later in the season only to be closed down due to female mortality quota.
Check out this Google Sheet from last year. As the guys said, snow was a son of a beach last year, but bears were loving it with all the green up.

It does feel like most units, if they're gonna close because of female mortality, they close right near the end of May. If I were a Bighorn hunter, I'd go second week of May. If I hunted Jackson/Greys areas, though, I'd go last week in May personally.
This is all good stuff. We were actually thinking about going mid May..ish. in your guys opinion, does the snow on make the hunt hard because of getting around, or because bears are hard to find?
Crazy how many put drive time ahead of potential hunt quality. With the BS quotas in WY, expensive tags, no WA access, why wouldn't you keep driving to ID and get into bears? There are units in ID that have 150 -200 bears killed via spot and stalk a year in a single unit! Think about how many bears that is? One unit putting out more bears than the whole state of WY combined. Southern WY is nothing but beetle kill and thick forests, not ideal for spot and stalk. I've hunted WY, and now just keep driving to ID.

Good luck.
I hunt Wyoming about every year for spring bear and yes snow can be the problem most of the time and the female quota fills up fast at the end of may. The golden time for my self is may 12 .hope this helps fill free to ask to hit me up for and help or advice just not spots. Lol
Thanks 2bulls, I will absolutely do that! We are thinking around May 12th to go so maybe we guessed right. Haha!
Great choice i have taken 3-PY bears in that week and a BC-bear last year with a bow over bait but we have shot a few spot and stalk also. Good luck it come up soon.
The area south of Jackson Wyoming looked good for bear hunting. I shot a bear in Montana and my wife and I were on our way home taking our slow sweet time. We found a camping spot off a gravel road in the Bridget Teton NF. We were out walking around and spoke to other campers in the area. They were bear hunting. Nobody volunteered any information but I did not ask any particulars.