Spot and stalk Camo patterns


May 8, 2014
I agree movement is the most important, I do a lot of predator hunting though and feel like camo does make me harder to spot. When hand calling the animal knows exactly where you are while you have to spot it and move a little to get on it. It can be done without camo but I don't think camo hurts.

I like ASAT probably better than any. Kryptek Highlander, Sitka subalpine or waterfowl, FL Cipher are other favorites. The old Cabelas outfitter camo is good too. Those all seem to work both in the Midwest pastures and western landscapes. I like to buy what's on sale and prefer my camo doesn't match. I figure it breaks up my outline more. I like to wear a vest of one pattern over a jacket of another to break up my outline even more.


Feb 1, 2017
It seems Randy Ulmer is wearing Cabelas Outfitter in a lot of his photos. I just try to match colors with quiet comfy clothes for archery. My favorite set is core4 mountain mimicry.
Nov 5, 2015
It seems Randy Ulmer is wearing Cabelas Outfitter in a lot of his photos. I just try to match colors with quiet comfy clothes for archery. My favorite set is core4 mountain mimicry.

I had a very good experience with Cabelas Outfitter pattern in Wooltimate my first year of bow hunting. Near last legal shooting light I put a stalk on a group of 4 doe. I was approaching through a cow pasture with some light brush between us at a fence and a favorable wind. I couldn’t believe when I made it to the fence a mere 25 yards away. I was actually so excited I shook and missed the shot, LOL.

I’m a big guy, 6’4”, 260lbs and my wife says I’m clumsy and noisy on the move. In this case I contribute the Outfitter open pattern to have helped me out. Arguably mixed solids maybe have had similar results. Deer may have mistaken me for a cow, LOL.

Wish Bass pro would continue the Wooltimate line with the Outfitter pattern. I’ll be keeping mine as long as. Can. I got some in Microtex too.

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Apr 21, 2017
I like Sitka and Kuiu. Patterns do not matter to me. Like others have said they will see movement. Never skyline yourself


Feb 7, 2016
I live in Western South Dakota. I lot of guys that I know actually prefer the Sitka Waterfowl Marsh for the grasslands and breaks. These are local guys that do a lot of deer hunting and coyote calling. I use Open County and Subalpine mainly, but bought the gear primarily for going farther west to hunt elk. Yes, we all wear orange come rifle season, but if you are looking at a spot and stock ARCHERY hunt, then I have to believe that having some sort of camo on does make a difference. Like others have said though, movement and smell are more important factors. I shot my archery buck this fall with Open Country pants and stocking hat, Realtree Max-1 shirt, Realtree AP pack, and Kryptek Highlander Bino Harness. The buck did not care about my mess of an outfit:). I could have been wearing pink and it would not have mattered. I stayed out of sight and down wind the entire time and got withing 45 yards for the shot.IMG_0056.jpg