Southern Colorado is a sidearm needed?

My take is this. Having a sidearm when quartering up an animal is smart in my opinion especially when working after dark. Also walking back in to get the second load of meat. If you are worried about 30 ounces then backcountry hunting may not be your thing. I quit counting ounces and sawing toothbrushes. Pack your bag, train your body and go hunt.

I had a bull moose charge in on me while I was quartering out my bull this last season. He came busting through the brush in the dark. I didn't see what it was at first, assuming it was a bear I lunged for my revolver and spray and there he stood 10 yrds away on on the the other side of a falling tree. Ended up running him off clacking my trekking poles together and yelling. Don't know if it's smart or not to try to defend a downed elk against a bear, probably not, but I've heard statistically moose are more dangerous. Makes ya think though.

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You mean the same ancestors that killed off pretty much all Grizzlies and Wolves in the lower 48? Those ancestors? lol

Yep those. The wolf to me is useless as it does more harm than good. And the grizzly is just cool and a tourist attraction if you ask me since you basically can’t hunt them.

But yea, I’m not scared to walk around in the woods without a sidearm or go out to eat without one.

I like to wake up and take a chance every now and then. Make life a little exciting vs worrying and looking over my back constantly

Take a fuckin chance - YouTube
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Why are you guys ridiculing the OP for asking wether or not he should bring one more piece of emergency gear with him on his hunt?

"Do you take a rain jacket?" "Do you carry more than 1 method of making fire?" "Do you carry an inReach?" "Do you have car insurance?" "Do you have smoke detectors?"

"Pssh, only if you're scared... What would our ancestors think, pansy."

Jeez, give a real opinion or don't reply. A simple "it's not worth the weight for the benefit imo" would probably be a more useful answer.
What makes people think you're scared if you carry a pistol wherever you go? That makes no sense....

I take the Woodrow F. Call approach, "It's better to have it and not need it then it is to need it and not have it."

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After being stalked by a big cat in Colorado while resting... yes I was scared being unarmed and too far from bow and bear spray. yes I carry a sidearm while hunting. No apologies.
I always carry when I am out and about in the woods. I too am of the mind of better to have it an not need it. I don't hunt in Colorado so my opinion may not be what the OP is after. Yet in the last 3 years I have been stalked by bears twice, stalked by a pack of coyotes on a night hike out, and bum rushed by a wolf coming to my cow call. Only on the coyotes did I have to break out the pistol and shot an animal. Being stalked by a bear is more unnerving then I would like to admit. As such I am always glad I have it weight regardless.