- Joined
- Nov 30, 2019
- Location
- Brookings SD
After 20 years of applying my hunting partner and I finally drew our Black Hills elk tags in South Dakota. We were in unit H3 where 100 tags were given. I made 3 scouting trips prior to opening day which was October 1st, my wife's birthday. Bob, my hunting partner and I made one and the other 2 were with my son and his son plus we arrived 3 days before the season opened. We had 10 bulls on camera 5 were shooters prior to opener, my bull was not on camera but Bob's was. Opening morning was uneventful for John, my son and I. We saw a cow and calf while sitting overlooking a meadow and water tank, Bob and his son Will were in elk at first light but no opportunity for a shot. We met for lunch about 1 PM and discussed our plans for the rest of the day. We had gotten up at 3 AM, it was warm and sunny so we took a nap and rested for the evening sit. About 3:30 elk came out of the timber going to a water hole, there were 20-25 in the group. I looked up and saw 2 cows and calves then Will said he's a shooter, John and I went into the timber and Bob and Will went to a ridge south where elk had been crossing. Our first stop was 320 yards from the elk and I wanted to be a little closer so John and I made our way closer and set up at 255 yards. We sat for about 15-20 minutes before I had a clear shot, a calf had been standing between me and the bull, the cows started moving and the calf bolted. I had been on the bull and as soon as I had a clear shot I squeezed the trigger, he went about 60 yards and dropped. John looked at me and said Dad thats a hell of a bull and it sure enough was. The check in station estimated it at 354, I never imagined I would have an opportunity like that.
Bob didn't tag out the first 3 days and went home to tend to things on the ranch. He and 2 sons raise registered Black Angus cattle so there is always work to be done. We went back out on October 10th and he sat near the same water hole I shot my bull and shot his bull at 240 yards. His bull dropped about 100 yards from where my bull did, it was a pretty good water hole. They estimated his bull at 307.
Bob didn't tag out the first 3 days and went home to tend to things on the ranch. He and 2 sons raise registered Black Angus cattle so there is always work to be done. We went back out on October 10th and he sat near the same water hole I shot my bull and shot his bull at 240 yards. His bull dropped about 100 yards from where my bull did, it was a pretty good water hole. They estimated his bull at 307.