South Dakota Elk


Nov 30, 2019
Brookings SD
After 20 years of applying my hunting partner and I finally drew our Black Hills elk tags in South Dakota. We were in unit H3 where 100 tags were given. I made 3 scouting trips prior to opening day which was October 1st, my wife's birthday. Bob, my hunting partner and I made one and the other 2 were with my son and his son plus we arrived 3 days before the season opened. We had 10 bulls on camera 5 were shooters prior to opener, my bull was not on camera but Bob's was. Opening morning was uneventful for John, my son and I. We saw a cow and calf while sitting overlooking a meadow and water tank, Bob and his son Will were in elk at first light but no opportunity for a shot. We met for lunch about 1 PM and discussed our plans for the rest of the day. We had gotten up at 3 AM, it was warm and sunny so we took a nap and rested for the evening sit. About 3:30 elk came out of the timber going to a water hole, there were 20-25 in the group. I looked up and saw 2 cows and calves then Will said he's a shooter, John and I went into the timber and Bob and Will went to a ridge south where elk had been crossing. Our first stop was 320 yards from the elk and I wanted to be a little closer so John and I made our way closer and set up at 255 yards. We sat for about 15-20 minutes before I had a clear shot, a calf had been standing between me and the bull, the cows started moving and the calf bolted. I had been on the bull and as soon as I had a clear shot I squeezed the trigger, he went about 60 yards and dropped. John looked at me and said Dad thats a hell of a bull and it sure enough was. The check in station estimated it at 354, I never imagined I would have an opportunity like that.
Bob didn't tag out the first 3 days and went home to tend to things on the ranch. He and 2 sons raise registered Black Angus cattle so there is always work to be done. We went back out on October 10th and he sat near the same water hole I shot my bull and shot his bull at 240 yards. His bull dropped about 100 yards from where my bull did, it was a pretty good water hole. They estimated his bull at 307.


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Very nice bull, congrats!! Awesome that you finally drew that tag you waited so long for!! Good things are worth waiting for
Fantastic job! Really enjoyed following along and visiting with you and your son.

One of these days we will get a tag. :)
After 20 years of applying my hunting partner and I finally drew our Black Hills elk tags in South Dakota. We were in unit H3 where 100 tags were given. I made 3 scouting trips prior to opening day which was October 1st, my wife's birthday. Bob, my hunting partner and I made one and the other 2 were with my son and his son plus we arrived 3 days before the season opened. We had 10 bulls on camera 5 were shooters prior to opener, my bull was not on camera but Bob's was. Opening morning was uneventful for John, my son and I. We saw a cow and calf while sitting overlooking a meadow and water tank, Bob and his son Will were in elk at first light but no opportunity for a shot. We met for lunch about 1 PM and discussed our plans for the rest of the day. We had gotten up at 3 AM, it was warm and sunny so we took a nap and rested for the evening sit. About 3:30 elk came out of the timber going to a water hole, there were 20-25 in the group. I looked up and saw 2 cows and calves then Will said he's a shooter, John and I went into the timber and Bob and Will went to a ridge south where elk had been crossing. Our first stop was 320 yards from the elk and I wanted to be a little closer so John and I made our way closer and set up at 255 yards. We sat for about 15-20 minutes before I had a clear shot, a calf had been standing between me and the bull, the cows started moving and the calf bolted. I had been on the bull and as soon as I had a clear shot I squeezed the trigger, he went about 60 yards and dropped. John looked at me and said Dad thats a hell of a bull and it sure enough was. The check in station estimated it at 354, I never imagined I would have an opportunity like that.
Bob didn't tag out the first 3 days and went home to tend to things on the ranch. He and 2 sons raise registered Black Angus cattle so there is always work to be done. We went back out on October 10th and he sat near the same water hole I shot my bull and shot his bull at 240 yards. His bull dropped about 100 yards from where my bull did, it was a pretty good water hole. They estimated his bull at 307.
Wow, 20 years. Congratulations