I've been looking at getting noise cancellation for wood working, I go out to my shop and get my best earmuffs for when I shoot. Shapers, planers, routers, even the table saw will have my ears ringing all day and night without using earmuffs. What I don't like is not being able to hear someone coming into my shop when I'm working at a bench and can't hear. I sometimes end up taking earmuffs off and forgetting to put them on when firing up a piece of equipment for a quick cut.
Considering the handgun hunting and informal practice shooting when out in the woods I've done with heavy calibers like .44, .41, and .357 I'm surprised I can hear as well as I can. One ear doesn't hear as well as the other.
I'm also interested in hearing what people have to say about good in ear plugs. I need to be able to hear what's going on around me coyote hunting at night so I don't want my hearing blocked.