Sonora Mule Deer


Jan 29, 2024
Looking for references to reputable free range mule deer outfitters in Sonora Mexico. Willing to hike the terrain and mountains to find a good buck if that exists in Mexico? See a lot of “high rack options” that interests me less. Thanks for any info.
Answer from a friend about his Mexico trip
“”It sucked, passed a 170 plus the first 5 minutes into the hunt and never got another look at a big buck, all five hunters zeroed. They have been in a terrible draught down there, everything else about the hunt was good, guess that why they call it hunting. I think we could have gone into a high fence place and got a pretty good buck, just did not feel like doing that.”

research is your friend Mexico is full of lies sometimes

p.s try a different state then Sonora if you’re interested in not having to drive to kill a muy grande
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I've hunted Sonora a couple times for mule deer. You won't be doing a lot of hiking with the vegetation and terrain in that part of the world. There are a few guys that have some elevation on their hunt areas to get above the vegetation but not many, if you don't want to high rack I'm not sure I'd go. I have killed deer both times but can't recommend either outfitter. I was the only one that killed out of 3 in camp once and the only one in 4 the other. I killed a buck each time 170-180 range not the 200' monter I hoped to. It is my belief that Mexican outfitters greatly exaggerate the quality of their deer. Both outfitters I hunted with used pictures taken on another outfitters ranch with clients not the ranch they were hunting. I love Sonora and most things about it but I have no idea how to find an honest outfitter. Good luck and Muy Grande means shoot because every guide I've had didn't speak english.
I've hunted Sonora a couple times for mule deer. You won't be doing a lot of hiking with the vegetation and terrain in that part of the world. There are a few guys that have some elevation on their hunt areas to get above the vegetation but not many, if you don't want to high rack I'm not sure I'd go. I have killed deer both times but can't recommend either outfitter. I was the only one that killed out of 3 in camp once and the only one in 4 the other. I killed a buck each time 170-180 range not the 200' monter I hoped to. It is my belief that Mexican outfitters greatly exaggerate the quality of their deer. Both outfitters I hunted with used pictures taken on another outfitters ranch with clients not the ranch they were hunting. I love Sonora and most things about it but I have no idea how to find an honest outfitter. Good luck and Muy Grande means shoot because every guide I've had didn't speak english.
Thank you for the feedback. You reinforced the information I was slowly uncovering on a Sonora hunt. I didnt realize it was so competitive down there with the hunting guides for trophies. However, the demand seems to be there from N American hunters! High fences, borrowed photos, and other BS. Maybe at some point.
I’d reach out to Jay Scott, he does hunts down there and would trust his opinion/guidance. I think it was a rough year down there for mule deer and coues.
It was. I just got back from a trip down there. The rut activity was terrible and a lot of the country was in extreme drought because of lack of 2023 monsoon. It rained when I was down there for about 36 hours and the ranch owner said that’s the most rain he’s gotten in a storm since summer of 2022. The ground sucked it up so fast.
Mexico seems similar to nz where lots of outfitters use the words ‘free range’, ‘fair chase’ ect but it’s simple, it’s either fenced or not. And the animals are either wild or contained/restricted.

I’d save the money on a Mexico hunt, jump on a plane and go self guided in nz for thar and chamois on public land.