Solo New Mexico gmu 52

Very clever, cute , thoughtless response. Unfortunately, that wasnt the info i was looking for. It is my first and last posting. Hopefully someday you might request and get something equally childish. On a positive note, a great guy responded and was very helpful.
I’m sorry you feel that way. Perhaps you’ll feel different when you come scout it in a week or 2 ;)
I've hunted 52 a couple times in the last 5 years. It's a fun unit with plenty of elk, and hunters. Still, if you're prepared to work you can get into elk. We found elk in all parts of the unit at different times, but you may need to cover a lot of ground. It seemed like there were a lot of hunters in the nw part of the unit, and around the basin. Good luck and enjoy!
Lol You gave him a good starting point too. Way she goes.

Sidenote. I've met more Texans in 52 than I've met on trips to Texas.
Lol yeah I know. I think he thought I was being a smartazz or something. Just the other day there were about 500 head near the border just waiting for the pressure to start. Let the migration begin. Hopefully I can kill a big fat 5 year old cow before they leave
Lol yeah I know. I think he thought I was being a smartazz or something. Just the other day there were about 500 head near the border just waiting for the pressure to start. Let the migration begin. Hopefully I can kill a big fat 5 year old cow before they leave
Haha probably have a solid chance. Is the unit north OTC in co still?

My favorite part of 52 is driving through the basin and it's like outfitter alley. Feels like a Gypsy city come September. Hahaha