SO Packs Lumbar Support?


Jan 24, 2018
Hi Folks, New here and learned a ton already. About to pull the trigger on a SO Revolution and thinking the Fortress 4800 pack will suit my needs.

Just curious if you have this frame, did you get the additional lumbar support? And is it helpful?

Thanks in advance,

I have the lumber pad and I think it’s a bit better for me, but it wasn’t bad at all without it. I would get it so you can know you have the best possible fit.
I also have and use the lumbar pad. I took it along on a couple hunts and would wear the pack with and without it during the day. In the end, I leave it on. I thinks it's worth buying so you can experiment and test it both ways. If you don't have it to try, you won't know.
In general body types that REQUIRE the lumbar pad are either guys with large upper back musculature or deep lumbar curves. More normal body types usually don't need the pad, but some guys like the way it rides even if they don't need it.

I never use one and Kevin often does, and our builds aren't that different.
There are a lot of ways to use the belt and lumbar pad.

The belt can be used in 3 different positions when used articulating. The lumbar can be used as an add on when articulating. In addition the belt can captured and used with a pad which is much more "normal" like most other packs. If the belt is captured, lumbar is almost required. If the belt is floating / articulating it depends.

For me, I like a higher ride. So I like the grommet wrapped . In this setting I need the Lumbar pad because there is less articulation. If I use the standard grommet setting and articulation, I really do not need the pad, but it helps the belt perform better at higher weights.

In essence the lumbar pad helps the belt function at it's best. Many people do not need it and the improvement will be slight. For some body types it is needed. Some people, like myself, just prefer a ride that works better with the lumbar pad
Thanks folks. Ordered it yesterday with the lumbar. Super excited about it!
Unless you have a perfectly flat lumbar spine and a skinny butt the lumbar pad helps if for no other reason to keep the frame off your ass. Maybe that is too strong (one could probably do very well without the pad, the belt is great) but I feel is reasonably within the mark.