Snakes during archery season


Mar 31, 2024
Anyone that’s hunted Idaho in the early season have any info on the snakes. Head into Salmon- Challis NF this September and wondering if snake gators should be on my list of things to pack. Will have a closed tent with floor because I will just have an heart attack and die of I wake up cuddling one. Also plan to be on the low lands a few of the last days so my buddy can chase pronghorn. Any information is appreciated!
Don't know about Idaho but I've never seen a snake while hiking or hunting archery elk in Sept in Colorado. Been hiking these mountains for 24 years now.
NW Wyoming here. Seen 1 garter snake in 4 years of hunting archery elk in the mountains.

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Also don't know about Idaho but I see them much more than I would like in SW and Eastern Montana during archery season. Never worn snake chaps but have often thought I should! Wise choice on the floored tent, just for a 'sleeping pill' effect. Just watch your step everywhere!
I’ve seen them as high as 5-6k feet in elevation in the Salmon River breaks. Same over by Dillon, although maybe not as high. Even if you are spending a lot of time in the lower sagebrush foothills I still wouldn’t mess with chaps.
I’ve seen them as high as 5-6k feet in elevation in the Salmon River breaks. Same over by Dillon, although maybe not as high. Even if you are spending a lot of time in the lower sagebrush foothills I still wouldn’t mess with chaps.
Thanks for the info. Plan on spending most of our time chasing mule deer so we will be above 9000 feet 90 percent of the time!
Just don't think about a snake still finding the zipper on your tent and still is able to open it enough to crawl in to get the warmth of your body. Or the snake that ends up crawling under your tent to sleep under you due to your body heat agasint the ground.
Just don't think about a snake still finding the zipper on your tent and still is able to open it enough to crawl in to get the warmth of your body. Or the snake that ends up crawling under your tent to sleep under you due to your body heat agasint the ground.
Zippers are going to the top.. I’ve thought about this to many times
I've had some close encounters with snakes over the years. On a stalk on a bull this yr I had one buzz literally between my legs, but that was low country. I still ain't wearing snake gaiters.