Sleeping Bag for Alaska

Get one of the larger WM bags like the badger or a sequoia, then get a really comfortable mattress like a large x therm or a sea to summit comfort plus.
I took a Feathered Friends Swallow 30 degree for an early October moose hunt just outside of Cordova. Zero issues.
I use a 10 degree feathered friends something or other for everything (live in AK). It’s oversized, so loses some efficiency, but it is comfortable if I need to layer up with down inside. I rarely camp when it’s stupid cold anymore (well, RTT with diesel heater I’ll camp anytime), but this has been fine down to around zero in my tipi.

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I recently got a Cumulus bag. I was able to customize it the way I wanted in regards to fill, width, length and material. Price was great and the bag is super comfortable.
Seem the recommendation previously but don't skimp on the pad below you. It will make a world of difference in your sleep.
I wouldn’t get a WM sleeping bag unless you plan on spending a lot more time backpacking.

Are you going guided for moose? Limited on weight? Flying in or driving in?

Likely a cheap cabelas bag will fit your needs. The price of a WM bag is stupid if you’re not going to use it a bunch.