Sitka Gears new website

Man that does suck. And where are the new Stratus bibs? I sold my pants to get a pair and now I don't see them lol.
Man that does suck. And where are the new Stratus bibs? I sold my pants to get a pair and now I don't see them lol.

Yeah I see a few things that aren't on there. The catalog listed stratus and jetstream jackets available in "tall" now, but the website doesn't list it.

And agreed on the website...its terrible to navigate! Takes 10 clicks just to get to any gear, and then its not even organized into anything useful!
The first most glaring mistake I can find is they aren’t listing the weights of items. If anyone figures that out, let me know.

The old site had it front and center in the “features & specs” of the item.
Looks like they had the same people who did gander outdoors website do it. That sucks.

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I've been grilling my two year old for the last half hour asking her where the money is Sitka paid her to put the new site together. She ain't budging...............
Yeah I see a few things that aren't on there. The catalog listed stratus and jetstream jackets available in "tall" now, but the website doesn't list it.

And agreed on the website...its terrible to navigate! Takes 10 clicks just to get to any gear, and then its not even organized into anything useful!

whitetail items wont be officially released till summer even on their website
I been using it a bunch and honestly it’s even worse then I originally thought. It flat out sucks.
I agree it was a mistake not to list the weights of each item. The product layout seems ok to me though. I seem to be finding everything pretty easy.
I'll jump in and agree that it's terrible, can't find anything. Ground ambush vs spot and stock primary difference is camo? That doesn't make sense to me. The roll-out was bad too with all those emails last night.
Yeah I see a few things that aren't on there. The catalog listed stratus and jetstream jackets available in "tall" now, but the website doesn't list it.

And agreed on the website...its terrible to navigate! Takes 10 clicks just to get to any gear, and then its not even organized into anything useful!

Sent an email about this and I was told it will be an available option starting next week.

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I'll continue to pour it on. It's bad. Worse than I originally thought when looking on my phone this morning. For example, try finding the green fanatic hoody. It's there, I just found it.
Someone needs a sound verbal thrashing over that thing! Ick! Looks like they tried too hard and failed.

I love Sitka gear, am a fan boy. However, it's important to remember that the purpose for the company is to move Gore fabric - period. Nothing wrong with that, it's great stuff, and you'll definitely see more solids as they branch out into the non-hunting crowd and stuff all of us can wear to work. The last few years have revealed a bunch more corporate-think as compared to a company owned and managed by hunters who really, honestly understand how the gear is used. The web site is proof of that!
I consider myself a reasonably smart person. Couldn’t find “solids” this morning. It just takes too many damn clicks to get anywhere. I don’t get it I guess.
I agree it was a mistake not to list the weights of each item. The product layout seems ok to me though. I seem to be finding everything pretty easy.

if you use the compare feature and click on a couple items the weights will show in the comparison. some notables it says the apex merino blend hoodie is 20 oz which seems like a lot and the kelvin down ws hoody is 32 oz.

i liked the previous website a lot better