Sitka Core Lightweight Hoody Mosquito Protection


Apr 5, 2021
Going back to Alaska next summer (yay) for some fishing and camping. I was thinking about a core light weight hoody to keep the skeeters off. Does nobody have any experience or recomendations?

on my last trips, I used bug repellant, but I’m not totally comfortable with having those chemical on my skin for extended lengths of time.

thanks for your input
Just treat the clothes you plan on taking with you with Permathrin. The chems are on the clothes and once dry you won't have a problem. Well at least until some lawyers decide the illness you develop later in life was caused by Permathrin. 🤔🤔
Yeah I just hose down my core lightweights with permethrin. Dries clear and odorless. I spray that stuff on everything.
The equinox guard from sitka is essentially a pretreated light weight core hoody woth a fee extra features. It does fit a little more loose than my typical ltwt hoody but not significantly so.
Its an option
I’ve been using the equinox guard from Sitka this year with good success. Have you considered a thermacell?