I think many of you are making this way too complicated. In all honesty my ranch is the equivalent of your camp.when I put in a camp I limited myself to 3-5 hunts - over and over.
Now I leave the house each morning with one horse and go to a differant place nearly every day. Each day I cover 5-20 miles for about 35 days. What I carry is a handgun, saddle bags, rifle, riding coat and chaps and a hat. Oh and I forgot mitts and an electric chainsaw.
Depending on tracks, I may tie up my horse for 4-6 hrs and follow the tracks on foot. If I don't kill anything - the next day I go where I figure they were going the day before. If I kill something I come back the next day with a second horse, quarter the elk up, load the horses and walk out to the truck.
Each day is horse recon plus 1 or 2 foot hunts. I usually leave my horse in a fir thicket when I walk. I try to pick spots that have minimal chances for falling snags or getting shot.
I figure a good season is 350-400 miles and an elk. I'm fortunate and often my son, partner or wife comes along and I have somebody to talk to or conspire with.
I have held onto the horses while I shot or held them while the others shot.
It's not hard. If you put in a spike camp it tends to get complicated and takes more stock to get comfortable.
Keep it simple. Horses will point elk and elk will point horses so you can shoot.