Silvertip vs Cimarron

Oct 24, 2016
I am getting ready to pull the trigger on a Cimarron but I am also considering the Silvertip. I am 6' 7" and know I would have more room in the Cimarron but that comes with a little added weight. How many of you guys actually use the Cimarron for solo trips?
The Cim kicks ass as a solo shelter. I've never once regretted having the extra room, even 8 or 10 miles back on a hunt...especially if the weather decides to take a crap on you.

At 6'7" I'm guessing you'll be thankful for the extra room, cut weight from your pack elsewhere.


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I had been going back and forth on what small shelter to get from SO. Already have the 8 man so pulled the trigger on a LBO today.
I have a bt2 (the silvertip's predecessor) with screen doors and in its stuff sack its not much smaller than my cimmaron. I will probably ditch the bt2 and just stick with the cimmaron since it doesn't take up much more space in the pack. Bt2 is green cimmaron is brown.

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I was kicking around the same question at Christmas time. I decided to go with the Cimarron. I have not used it yet but don't regret the decision.

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Go Cimarron . Silvertip is better for tall people than it used to be .. but I would not consider it a 6'7" shelter unless you are really into being a minimalist.
I have read that the Cimarron is no slouch in bad weather which I am not disputing but can I get some examples of when people have been in some windy and raining conditions with their Cimarron. I am assuming that it will hold up in some wind but curious if the panels flap like crazy. Ill be using this new shelter largely for solo use while deer hunting and will typically be moving camp daily and settting up in somewhat exposed area. I know the silvertip is going to be tight with my height but don't think it's going to be any worse than my small two man tent I have now.
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I don't think you'd regret going with the Cimarron. You could probably get 4 more stake loops as a custom option, to match the stake loop pattern of the Silvertip and Redcliff.

I'm 6'3" and have a Silvertip. I like all the extra stake loops and guy-out loops.

I just got a Cimarron a couple weeks ago, the day it came it was blowing a steady 25-30 and gusting to 35-40 , I set it up in about 5 to 10 minutes (no experience with these type of shelters) and I seam sealed it and my sons played in it all day with no problems. I had the two guy outs staked and I think it would handle a lot more.

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I've been researching solo floorless shelters for a while now... (mainly kifaru and SO) Ive been leaning pretty hard towards the silvertip. I just found this thread and I think I'm now ready to pull the trigger. What stove would ya recommend for a silvertip and how long of a stove pipe is needed?