Silly things you heard as a kid

“You better be inside when the street lights come on!”
Pretty common for city kids.
Of course we were always in trouble for not coming inside.
My first construction boss asking me to move a roof truss to the left a bit: "Move it to the left a skosh" I was nervous and asked "How long is a skosh?" "TWICE HALF A SKOSH, JUST MOVE THE DAMN THING!!!"

Pipeline boss after grinding welds on flanges and connecting one pipe to the other "Make that connection tighter than a clam with lock jaw!"

Here and there
"Work that thing harder than a rented mule!"
"Quieter than a mouse peeing on a cotton ball"
"By the time you are all adults everyone will be using metric, that's why you are learning it" Silly because it's extremely difficult for businesses to covert and mostly that most people are too stupid and lazy to covert to a vastly simpler system based on ten.