Sight tape question


Mar 1, 2016
Hi everyone,

I purchased an Option 8 site a month ago and I have been waiting on new strings before strapping it on. strings are a few days out so I got to thinking about sight tapes.

I have never had a slider, so I have never built a tape. I am I better off using software like Archer Advantage to build a tape or should I use the tape that is supplied with my sight. I figure AA or similar software will be more accurate then the tapes that are provided.

Like a said, I am new to the sight tape, so any help on which direction I should go would be appreciated.

Stay classy
I don't use either. I take a blank tape and throw it on then zero at 20 and mark the tape there. Then I walk back 10 yards at a time until I get back to 80 yards, marking along the way. Then I carefully take that tape off.

From there I go online and print sight tapes from a website that lets you do it for free... sorry, can't remember the site but you can Google it. It takes somee trial and error until you find the tape that matches the one on your sight perfectly but once I have it I usually print out 10 of them, laminate them with packing tape, and throw it on my bow.

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I also use a blank tape, shoot and mark out as far as I am accurate then find one that matches the one I made. Old school and time consuming but you know it is right.
I personally think you should use a program and build your own tapes. I am not against marking the blank one and if it matches up perfectly to a pre made one that comes with your sight, no reason not to use it if it meets your needs. Most only go to 100 yards though.

There is an article on Building Accurate Sight Tapes on the main Rokslide page.
AA doesn't have a way to build tapes for the Option series. You will either need to use the supplied tapes or mark your own.
You can build a tape with AA for the option sights if you use the inch option in the sight set up. It takes a couple more tries to get it perfect, but it can be done.
I used the blank tape method for my MBG Mtn lite and it works well. Just swapped the sight over to a new bow and am in process of doing it again. The interesting learning for me was the tapes that matched my bow speed (257 FPS) are not even close. The 270FPS tape is perfect. No experience w the programs but the blank tape works well for me.
I used the blank tape method for my MBG Mtn lite and it works well. Just swapped the sight over to a new bow and am in process of doing it again. The interesting learning for me was the tapes that matched my bow speed (257 FPS) are not even close. The 270FPS tape is perfect. No experience w the programs but the blank tape works well for me.
I've never had them match my fps, which is why I use the blank tape method. There are a bunch of factors that make this the case, primarily the distance between your peep and your sight housing.

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